India wali maa 27th January written episode update


India wali maa 27th January written episode update

India wali maa 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Kaku along with Hasmukh arrange the shop,. She tells, she brought all the required ingredients for twenty thousand, and ten thousand of advance is still left,. Lakshmi goes to bring the women for work,. Kaku tells, they showed them the way, it is now upto them to decide what to do,.

Meenu comes to Rohan who was lost in a deep thought,. She requests him to do breakfast,. He strictly tells her to leave him alone,. Meenu goes,. Mr,. Murti comes to the table,. 

Rohan tells, he had to prepare for excavation of the society,. The people there cannot pay tax worth such huge amount,.

Kaku and Hasmukh wait for the ladies to come to their assistance,. Soon, a bunch of women come towards their stall,. One of them apologizes Kaku for misunderstanding their intentions, and assures they are with her,. Kaku takes them all to pray, boosts their morale and help them prepare the bulk of pickle,. Hasmukh films the working,. Kaku calls the shop owner to receive 20 pcs of his order,. She was happy for accomplishment of the task,.

Rohan calls the associate to get the bull dozer ready,. He does not want to waste a single day after notice period,.

Hasmukh gets a call from Cheenu,. He was concerned that there is surely something wrong,.

 Cheenu discusses with Hasmukh that Rohan wants her to find a girl like her, for himself,. Hasmukh asks, how someone can find a girl like her,. She is one of her kind,. He is silly to leave her, then find another one like her,. Cheenu tells Hasmukh it is not Rohan’s fault, she wanted to move forward Hasmukh tells, this is an indication of true love that she can hear nothing negative about Rohan,. Meenu comes to Cheenu and requests her for some way to cheer up Rohan,.

Kaku brings the first advance to the officer, and promises to pay the first installment of tax by tomorrow,. No one can move them from this society now,.

Meenu comes to Rohan who was tensed,. She offers him to dance to reduce stress,. She plays the song,. It was Rohan’s favorite,. They dance together,. 

Cheenu watches from outside and remembers how Rohan used to dance on this song with her,. After the dance, Meenu and Rohan sit together on the couch,. Meenu holds his hand and tells, she knows he is stressed because of work,. Rohan withdraws his hand from her grip,. She convince Rohan he can do it,.

Kaku helps the ladies prepare the pickle, and goes to give medicines to Hasmukh,.

The ladies were intrigued when Rohan’s car stops by, along with the goons,. There was an announcement on the amplifier that they must vacate their houses because they could not pay their tax installment,. In a few hours, their men will start their work and break the houses,. 

The officer presents them with their first installment advance,. Rohan gets a call from Mr,. Murti, he tells, they brought bull dozer but they have collected the first installment,. Mr,. Murti wanted to speak to property tax officer,. He speaks to the officer that Rohan is stupid, but he believed Deepak can find a way out,. Deepak tells, they have paid the money,. Mr,. Murti promises Deepak double amount than he demands, as bribe,. Deepak was thoughtful,. Rohan speaks to Deepak that any step onwards will now be illegal,. Deepak announces that they must arrange at least one lac to save the society, forty thousand is not enough,. Lakshmi demands where this clause in their notice is,. 

Deepak tells, a new notice was issued from head office,. Lakshmi shouts that they are shrewd and came at a time when men are out,. Kumar requests Rohan to speak to Mr,. Murti,. Deepak takes the goons forward and moves the bull dozer to evacuate the society,. Rohan watches helplessly,.

Kaku shouts from behind,. Rohan was shocked to see his mother,.   

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