India wali maa 26th January written episode update


India wali maa 26th January written episode update

India wali maa 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with On the phone, Hasmukh was terrified,. He tells Kaku there is a dog in front of him, staring right in his eyes,. Kaku asks, how he came in, and why he is so fearful,. Hasmukh was terrified of the dog,. Kaku suggests Hasmukh to cautiously open the door, it will go,. She asks, him to take deep breathes,. She reminds him when once Rohan was stuck on the tree, and he convinced him come down by gathering courage,. Hasmukh now sings for the dog and shakes his hand,. He now leads the dog out of the house,. 

Kaku smiles at this,. Hasmukh cautiously locks the door,. Kaku makes fun of him,. Hasmukh was offended,. Kaku asks, him to let her laugh, it will bring her some relief,. She was tensed and discusses with Hasmukh that she might have to close down the business,. She shares with Hasmukh that the lady copied the pickle,. Hasmukh tells, it is the first rule of business, never to share your secret,. He tells, Kaku can improvise her business by selling a combination of pickle and Dhaipla,. The next day, Kaku sells the combination,. Her sales escalated,. A man comes to ask Kaku if she cooks on her own, or gets them cooked by a caterer,. Kaku tells, the taste comes from home cooked food only,. 

Kaku brings one bite to the lady to taste as well,.

Back at home, Kaku was happy that their work is going on well,. She was happy that shopkeeper gave her thirty thousand in advance as well,. She enjoyed seeing the face of her competitor,. Hasmukh brought her tea, and forbids her to share her recipes anymore,. She had pain in her knees,. Hasmukh sits there to massage her knee,. Lakshmi comes there and teases she also has knee pain,. Kaku offers her to have dinner,. Lakshmi brings her outside,. Everyone was fasting, and involved in prayers to save their society,. Kaku was concerned and asks, if none of them has another house,. 

Lakshmi tells, most of these residents have been left by their children,. Kaku silently prays to be able to help these people,. She gets a call from Ravi Shankar who asks, her to speed up his order,. Kaku agrees,.

Kaku comes to address the gathering of ladies,. She introduces herself as Kaushalia Gadvi,. She came to live here and has seen them living together,. She tells, she committed a mistake just like them all,. She, as a parent sacrificed all her savings on her child,. She never cared for her own future,. Now today, they cannot wait God to help them,. They must help themselves,. She tells, she sells pickle and Dhaipla in a nearby market,. Today a big business owner brought her a big order, which she cannot complete on her own,. She offers them to work together with her,. She will pay them their due share,. 

The ladies did not like the idea, and were not ready to include Kaku,. Kaku takes a moment from them,.

Cheenu asks, Rohan if he had food,. Rohan was in disbelief that she wanted to ask this,. Cheenu inquires if he likes someone,. He was quizzical,. She suggests him to move on if he likes,. Rohan asks, if she will not be offended to see him with someone else,. 

Cheenu tells, she is already going abroad,. Rohan asks, to find him a girl exactly like her, he will befriend her,.

Kaku brings them the money of advance,. She suggests them to earn the requisite amount of tax to government by working on the project with her,. They must all go back, eat food and get rid of their hunger; then take good decision to resolve their problems,. We, women can face any difficulty and have the wit to resolve it,.   

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