India wali maa 21st January written episode update


India wali maa 21st January written episode update

India wali maa 21st January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rohan and Meenu dance together,. Cheenu was jealous of watching them together,.

Kaku comes home,. Hasmukh asks, why she was late,. Kaku tells, Lakshmi and she dealt with a lot of people,. She shows Hasmukh his medicines,. Hasmukh asks, Kaku where she got the money, as the medicines are expensive,. Kaku makes up to Hasmukh that Lakshmi took her to a shop,. The shopkeeper liked the pickle and offered to sell her pickle, he also lent her advance,.

 She will have to sit on the shop for a few hours, and they will sale her pickle,.

Rohan comes home with the girls,. Cheenu wanted to talk to Meenu,. Mr,. Murti tells Rohan that disconnecting the water did nothing,. Rohan tells, they will have to do something big,.

Hasmukh was upset that she never let Kaku work and now he is a burden,. Kaku lies that it is a big mart, with air conditions,. She enjoyed there a lot and there is no harm in earning a few pennies,. Their electricity was disconnected,. Kaku goes outside,. The residents of Anand Nagar were outside, cursing the builder,. They demand the secretary to call the builder,.

 Rohan accepts having disconnected the society, and tells, he will be here,. The secretary shows them Rohan’s photo so that everyone could curse him,. People also cursed his parents,. Kaku was shocked to see Rohan’s photo,.

In the room, Meenu asks, Cheenu what it is about,. Cheenu asks, if she likes Rohan,. Meenu looks away for a while,. She tells, she noticed her and Rohan, and wants no assumptions,. Meenu counter questions Cheenu how true was her claim that she has moved on,. Cheenu inquires how it is connected,. Meenu tells, if Cheenu was true that day, she can speak the truth,.

Otherwise she might have to lie,. Cheenu tells, it is true, she has moved on,. Meenu confesses liking Rohan,.

 She requests Cheenu’s promise not to come between her happiness,. Rohan comes to the room and fines Cheenu still in a state of shock,. He offers her Prasad, and tells, this drama of a married couple is for a few days only,. Afterwards she will leave for better days, better world; at least she can consider this a blessing,. He smiles as he gives her a bite of Prasad,. Rohan gets a call and leaves,. Cheenu was sad,.

In the corridor, Rohan asks, Kaku if she is missing her son now,. Since she left from here she never called him, like Papa,. Kaku was silent on the other end,. Rohan tells, his construction business is increasing, and is the most profitable one,.

 He requests her blessings for his meeting, he wish everything is sorted,. Kaku asks, Rohan if whatever is doing is by false means,. Rohan was annoyed that she and Papa still do not trust him,. This time, no one can stop him from success and he does not care if someone is with him or not,. Kaku was hopeless,. After the call, she thinks she cannot tell Rohan she knows whatever he is doing is wrong, she prays for some sense in Rohan,.

At home, Kaku watches Hasmukh in the bed,. 

He asks, where she had been,. Kaku was at a verge of crying, and decides not to tell Hasmukh,. She hides her tears and goes in front of their temple corner,. She joins her hands to Goddess to bring Rohan on the right path,.    

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