India wali maa 19th January written episode update


India wali maa 19th January written episode update

India wali maa 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rohan recognizes the flavor of Chikki and miss his parents,. He makes a call to Kaku,. Kaku takes the call,. Rohan wishes Happy Makar Sakranti,. She wish him in return,. Rohan asks, if she is fine,. Hasmukh asks, who it is,. Kaku asks, Rohan to wish his father as well, but Rohan replies he is busy in his work,. Someone knocks at Kaku’s door,. Lakshmi comes out,. Rohan gives her sweets and tells her about the notice, and their offer,. Lakshmi asserts it is not possible, and sends him away,. Kaku comes to Lakshmi,. Lakshmi says, the constructor came for vacating the land,. Lakshmi asks, about Chikki,. Kaku takes her inside,. 

Lakshmi apologizes to Hasmukh about his loss, but Hasmukh assures nothing such happened, and money was returned,. Kaku comes to handle the situation,. She sits with Lakshmi and says, she did not share it with her husband that only five hundred was left,. Lakshmi asks, Kaku what she will do when her five hundred has ended,. Kaku was worried,. She says, she belongs to Bujh and knows stitching well, but she wonders where she will get the money to buy sewing machine,. She was also thinking about doing catering work but it will also take investment,. Lakshmi tastes the sweet and complements it,. Kaku says, she can prepare chilli pickle, everyone will love it,. Lakshmi likes the idea, and takes Kaku to market,. They must start business on this good date,.

Mr,. Murti tells Rohan to hurry and get Anand Nagar vacated before investors back out,. 

Vasu tells Rohan to take his luggage upstairs to Cheenu’s room, they have to act as married couple,. Meenu comes for dress suggestion,. Cheenu tells her to be what she is, Rohan suggests her to wear traditional,. Cheenu was shocked to discover, but Rohan says, there is a lot about her which she does not know,.

Rohan comes to the room to freshen up,. Meenu was ready in an Indian attire,. Vasu sends Cheenu to get ready,. Cheenu decides to wear traditional upon Rohan’s wish,. She drapes herself in a saree,. 

Rohan comes out of the bath,. Both felt awkward,. Cheenu tells him to turn around,. Her zip was stuck,. Cheenu requests Rohan’s help,. Rohan was pleased,. Cheenu tells him to close his eyes,. He turns towards Cheenu and hits her directly,. He reaches the zip through touch,. Cheenu allows Rohan to open his eyes when done,. Rohan finds her already in front of the mirror,. Vasu excitedly knocks the door that guests are here,. Rohan forcefully holds Cheenu’s hand, reminding her that they are married couple,.

Kaku requests the vegetable vendor to lend her chilli on loan,. She will pay back once she gets her money,. Lakshmi was annoyed,. Kaku requests a pen and paper from the vendor,. She says, she will sell a bottle of pickle for Rs,. 150, and will get a profit of Rs,. 75,. In the beginning one is fearful, but afterwards she will even pay the loan of Lakshmi,. 

Lakshmi apologizes the vendor and requests him to lend the chilli,. The vendor agrees to give her chilli,. Kaku selects the best chilli and was thankful for the vendor,.

Vasu serves the guests,. Meenu comes to greet them,. Rohan and Cheenu come downstairs and greet everyone,. Rohan looks towards Meenu, she signals how she looks,. Rohan complements, absolutely beautiful,. Vasu introduces Rohan and Cheenu to Poojari family,. Mrs Poojari brought gift for Cheenu and greets her on her wedding,.

Lakshmi eats raw chilli,. Kaku was shocked to see her, and asks, if she does not feel the burning,. Lakshmi says, when she had to eat it due to poverty, she learnt that one must embrace every situation in life with a smile,. 

Hasmukh was shocked to see the bag full of chilli,. Kaku makes up that she will prepare pickle for Lakshmi on her request,.    

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