India wali maa 18th January written episode update


India wali maa 18th January written episode update

India wali maa 18th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with kaku tells everyone that her money was stolen by the young man,. He teased her by turning lights on and off,. She says, the guy belongs to this neighborhood,. One of the families was offended that they call them thieves,. Kaku requests everyone help and explains to them about his looks,. Lakshmi recognizes the thief,. She sends everyone back to their homes, and takes Kaku along,. Hasmukh also wanted to come along,. Lakshmi tells him to take rest as he is ill, and promises to take care of Kaku,. 

She brings Kaku to a dark street,. Kaku recognizes the thief,. Lakshmi shouts at the young man,. He calls her as Mother,. Lakshmi tells Kaku she had to marry two daughters alone, her husband and son were of no good,. She beats the boy with a wooden rod,. Kaku finds some left over money,. The boy says, he was drunk and couldn’t find the money,. Kaku was tensed that only five hundred are left, she lost all the rest of money,. 

Lakshmi apologizes,. She requests Kaku not to tell anyone, otherwise they will send him to jail,. Everyone here is tensed because of him,. Kaku promises as she understands a mother’s pain,. She goes back with Lakshmi,.Hasmukh walks impatiently,. Kaku returns home and says, everything is fine,. She got the money back as well, and police arrested the thief,. Hasmukh goes to the room,. Kaku cries with the fake bundle of money she had shown to console Hasmukh,.The next morning, Lakshmi brings sweet to Kaku’s house,. She wishes her Pongal/Sakranti,. 

Kaku also wishes Lakshmi,. Some kids come to Kaku demanding money for celebration of Makar Sankranti,. Hasmukh and Kaku remember how Rohan always enjoyed kite flying in Makar Sakranti,. Kaku comes to kitchen and cooks sweet,.Meenu and Vasu were setting table,. Rohan asks, if something special about it,. Vasu says, it is Makar Sakranti today,. Meenu serves him the sweet,. 

Rohan complements the flavor, he says, his mother used to make laddu on this day,. He looks towards the Cheenu and stops at once,. Mr,. Murti tells Rohan that he is happy that he and Cheenu are here; the guy for Meenu’s proposal is also coming with his mother to stay here for fifteen days,. Vasu explains to both that they belong to traditional family,. She had to lie to them that Meenu’s elder sister is settled after marriage in her life,. Meenu requests Cheenu and Rohan to do this favor for her,. Cheenu agrees to do it for Meenu’s happiness, after all it is to pretend only,. Rohan catch her words, and promises to pretend it for Meenu,. He takes a leave for Anand Nagar,.kaku brings out and distributes sweets to the children,. She asks, Hasmukh to give it to the boy’s mouth,. The boy Ankit likes the flavor and requests some for his friends,. 

Hasmukh recalls how Rohan loved eating from Hasmukh’s hands,. The children gather around to eat from Hasmukh,.rohan’s car stops by Anand Nagar,. He covers his nose,. His associate Mr,. Kumar tells Rohan they did not strike any deal,. A cat was drawn on their notice,. He asks, Mr,. Kumar to distribute sweets amongst the residents, Mr,. Murti has sent them as token,. He takes Mr,. Kumar along to advice everyone vacate their houses,. 

Rohan speaks to the residents that Mr,. Murti sent the sweets, they need to take a decision about their residence,.Ankit, the young boy leaves Chikki Prasad in Rohan’s hand while running,. Mr,. Kumar says, it is Prasad, it is better Rohan eats it,. Rohan recognizes the taste at once,.     

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