Happu ki ultan paltan 21st January written episode update


Happu ki ultan paltan 21st January written episode update

Happu ki ultan paltan 21st January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Amma feeling pain in her knees,. Dada ji comes there and asks, what happened? Amma tells, nothing,. Dada ji tells, same old story and tells, if you would have been with me then I would have messaged your feet,. Amma tells, no need and tells that Chedu will come and massage my feet, tells, it is fun for the pain,. Dada ji reminds that he used to massage her well,. 

Amma tells that her head used to pain hearing him talking and his pain will increase too,. She tells, it is good that she got Chedu now, all her tension are gone,. Dada ji tells, he used to iron her sarees and people used to stare at her,. Amma tells, yes, people used to see me,. She praises Chedu,. Dada ji tells, I am your husband,. Amma asks, him not to talk to her in high tone as Chedu don’t like it,. She asks, him to go as her husband is coming,. Dada ji tells, I am your husband,. Amma tells, I am stranger to you now and asks, him to go,. Dada ji cries and goes,.

Resham Pal tells Happu Singh that he is troubled by him so much and scolds him for coming late,. Happu tells, actually he is upset that Chedi tricked Amma for marriage,.

 Resham Pal tells, he knows about it and tells, I heard that your Amma got married with her wish,. Happu tells, no,. Chedi lal comes there and tells, your Amma gave her heart to me,. Happu scolds him,. Resham pal asks, if Happu’s mother married you with her wish,. Chedi lal tells, yes and tells, it is pure as the washed clothes,. Resham Pal asks, him to get the marriage certificate,. Chedi lal gets shocked and shows Resham Pal’s shirt, blackmailing him of seeing him somewhere,. He tells, if you want then I will take it to Madam,. Resham pal tells, drop this clothes in my house and I will keep this shirt,. Chedi lal asks, if he is fine,. 

Resham Pal tells, yes,. Chedi lal kisses Happu and goes,. Resham Pal tells, he is a nice man,.

Kamlesh comes to Kat’s room and finds Chedi lal sleeping on the bed,. Chedi lal asks, him to say what he spoke in English,. Kamlesh asks, him to let him go,. Chedi lal asks, him to call him Dada,. Kamlesh tells, Grand paa,. Chedi lal asks, him to slap him,. Kamlesh slaps him and falls down,.

Happu comes home and sees Kat wiping the floor,. He asks, Rajjo why she didn’t tell him that he has hired the maidservant,. Kat cries and tells, father,. Happu tells, who asked you to do this,. Kat tells, new Dada ji is troubling us a lot,. Happu tells, Chedi lal made my daughter work and gets angry,. He hugs Kat and asks, her not to worry,. He tells, they have to handle him altogether,. Chedi lal comes there,. Happu hides behind the sofa,. 

Chedi lal slaps him and asks, him to call him Papa,. Happu calls him Papa and tells that his daughter is born for creative things and not for house work,. Chedi lal tells, house work is a good exercise and gives a new list to Rajjo,. Rajjo is shocked,. He asks, her to watch recipe from the internet and do it,. Happu asks, Rajjo to do her sasur work,. He checks the recipe on net to make something,. Rajjo tells about chedi lal resuming his business in the house,. Chedi lal starts his business in Amma’s lawn,. Beni praises Chedi lal and asks, him to get him married to Vimlesh,. Rajjo tells, you will not marry Vimlesh,. Rajjo tells, she will write with coal that he will never marry Vimlesh,.

 Chedi lal tells, he will talk to Rajesh about Beni and Vimlesh’s alliance and asks, her to make food ready,. Beni tells, Happu is very lucky to get such a father,. Amma asks, him to iron the clothes,.   

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