Hamari wali good news 29th January written episode update


Hamari wali good news 29th January written episode update

Hamari wali good news 29th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Navya asking Adi why is he upset,. Adi tells, you are ashamed to take me to any party, because I m jobless,. Navya tells, I didn’t know that I could take my spouse in the party, even I didn’t wish to go there, I went for the work purpose, where is my old Adi, who promised to always support me,. He tells, yes, I fell your expectations and also in my sight,. He gets sad and goes to sleep,. Kaise jiun…,.plays… Navya also gets sad,. Sumitra sees someone beside her,. She gets shocked seeing a skeleton, that starts flying,. She shouts Indu, Mukund…,. Indu asks, what happened to you,. Sumitra shouts ghost…,. 

Indu asks, where is the ghost,. Sumitra stays scared,. Mukund and Renuka come,. Mukund asks, are you fine,. Sumitra tells, I had seen a chudail here,. Mukund tells, maybe you are mistaken,. Sumitra tells, I m saying the truth,. Mukund tells, who can do this,. Indu blames Navya again,. Renuka asks, what proof do you have that Navya did all this,. Mukund thinks something is wrong, I have to find out,. He goes,.

Navya tells, maybe she has seen a dream,. Adi asks, what’s happening,. Navya tells, ask Vrinda, she is the new member here,. Indu tells, maybe, I will go and see,. They see Vrinda in her room,. Sumitra sits scared,. Mukund comes to her and asks, her to be careful,. Vrinda looks on,. 

Mukund asks, her does she sleep well, is she worried for some matter,. He tells, I had checked the entire house, no one can enter the house,. Sumitra tells, you think I m lying, trust me, there was a ghost,.

Mukund asks, Renuka not to worry for Sumitra, she can go and sleep,. Renuka tells, don’t feel bad, you should show Sumitra to a good doctor, she is getting hallucinations,. Mukund thinks is her old age affecting her,. Adi asks, did anyone enter our house,. Navya tells, maybe she is hallucinating,. Adi tells, she is going mad,. Its morning, Kusum comes to Renuka,. She tells, I don’t like Vrinda, how can she stay here, I have seen her talking to someone on phone,. Renuka tells, she said she has no family, Sumitra saw a ghost at night,. 

Kusum asks, what, stay alert, you can find the truth,. Renuka stops Vrinda and asks, did you go out at night,. Vrinda asks, why will I go out,. Renuka asks, are you involved in the ghost drama,. Vrinda asks, why would I do wrong with Sumitra, when you have let me stay here, I will go if you think I m responsible,.

Mukund stops Vrinda,. He tells, you won’t go anywhere,. Renuka asks, why, why did you keep a stranger home,. She asks, Vrinda why did you go out,. Mukund tells, I got Vrinda home, but Sumitra decided to keep her home, its her values that I also agreed to keep a helpless woman home, we won’t talk about this again,. He goes,. Sumitra asks, Vrinda not to pay attention to useless people,. Sumitra prays and keeps a knife under the pillow,. Indu tells, I will sleep here,. 

Sumitra tells, no, I will catch that ghost today, you go and sleep,. She lies to sleep,. Sumitra gets scared seeing an open window and then Mukund’s shadow,. She shouts,. Mukund comes in and tells, its me, I had come to see you, trust me, I will end this ghost drama forever, we will know who is doing this with you, sleep well, I won’t let anything happen to you,.    

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