Hamari wali good news 23rd January written episode update


Hamari wali good news 23rd January written episode update

Hamari wali good news 23rd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Adi hiding the Id card,. He asks, Navya for water,. She asks, are you fine,. He tells, yes,. They smile,. Indu asks, Sumitra to make Vrinda leave,. Vrinda tells, no, don’t make me leave, I can do any work, just give me a shelter and food,. Indu tells, no, we don’t want any servant,. Sumitra tells, let her stay, your work will get easy, you work alone all day,. Indu tells, fine, lets see, what work you know,. Indu thinks to ask Vrinda to apply hair oil to Sumitra,. Sumitra gets a call,. She slips by the thread coming in her feet,. Vrinda comes with the oil,. Sumitra falls back,. The dressing table also falls over her,. 

Vrinda pushes Sumitra away,. She gets under the dressing table and gets hurt,. Her head bleeds,. Everyone comes and gets shocked,.

Renuka makes Vrinda sit and removes the glass pieces from her hand,. She tells, we will go to the hospital,. Vrinda tells, no, I m fine,. Renuka does the aid to her hands,. Sumitra looks on,. Mukund comes home and sees Vrinda hurt,. She drops the water glass,. He asks, Indu to feed water to Vrinda,. He thanks her for saving Sumitra’s life by risking her own life,. Vrinda tells, don’t say this, anyone would have done this, it was an accident,. Indu tells, no, Renuka did this intentionally,. Mukund scolds her and asks, do you have a proof,. Indu tells, Renuka was cleaning her room, she dropped the wool yarn intentionally to make Sumitra fall,. 

Renuka asks, her to have shame and not blame her,. Indu tells, you tried to kill Sumitra before,. Mukund tells, if I get a proof then…,. Sumitra asks, what will you do, you have taken the baby’s responsibility,. She thanks Sumitra for saving her life,. Vrinda tells, no, you have given me a chance to stay in this house,.

Navya goes from the class,. She sees her scooty fallen down,. Rupesh helps her,. He tells, maybe the petrol leaked, I will help you and fill the petrol in the scooty tomorrow, its my responsibility to make you reach home safely,. Mukund lies to rest,. He has backache,. Renuka applies the balm,. 

He asks, Renuka when did you come,. She smiles,. Agar tum saath ho…,.plays… She also goes to sleep,. He wakes up and gets back ache,. He sees the balm kept there,. He sees Renuka,.

Adi goes out in the balcony,. Rupesh drops Navya home,. She thanks him,. Adi looks on angrily,. Gautam sees this and calls Adi,. He tells, you should have gone to pick Navya, someone dropped her, did she join a new job,. Adi tells, yes, its part time job,. Gautam tells, you have become broad minded husband now, I would have not allowed my wife,. Adi tells, she is just helping me,. Gautam tells, Dhruv is crying, he isn’t well, I went to medical store to get medicines,. Kusum asks, Renuka is everything fine,. Renuka tells, I have made kada for Dhruv, I heard that he is crying a lot,. Kusum tells, I have left supporting you in big trouble, you saw me in little trouble and came running,. 

Renuka tells, I m your friend,. Kusum tells, you are great, you are brave to take this step in this age,. Its morning, Indu and Vrinda to sweep the floor and wash the clothes also,. Sumitra tells, her hands are hurt, how will she wash clothes, you wash it in machine,. Indu tells, Sumitra likes you, I have to serve you,. 

Mukund comes to have breakfast,. Indu asks, him to have food,. She tells, I have made the food,. Renuka tells, liar,. Mukund eats the food and sees Renuka,. She smiles and thinks he works hard, he should get good food,.    

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