Hamari wali good news 20th January written episode update


Hamari wali good news 20th January written episode update

Hamari wali good news 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Sumitra interviewing some girls for Mukund’s alliance,. Indu asks, for whom are you seeing the alliance,. Sumitra says, for someone innocent, I want a woman who is just like a cow, who doesn’t have her own voice,. Indu asks, is it that relative’s son,. Sumitra says, no, for Mukund,. Indu asks, what, will he marry in this age,. Sumitra says, Renuka was also simple in the beginning, Navya has spoilt her,. Adi sees Navya and Rupesh at the cafe,. Navya signs the papers and takes the job,. Rupesh says, you may get late some times because of the evening batch,. 

Navya says, I understand,. Adi sees them shaking hands,. He gets angry and goes,.

Renuka says, wow, you will train self defence to the girls, I m very happy for you, I know why you are doing this,. Navya gives her some money,. She says, keep the money for the tests,. Renuka says, I can’t take it, Mukund said he will take responsibility of the baby,. Navya says, I respect that, it doesn’t mean that I forget my duty, keep it,.

Adi comes and claps,. He says, I should clap for Navya, she is doing two jobs, because I m useless,. Navya says, I was going to tell you,. He asks, her why did she hide it from him,. She says, I didn’t wish to hide it,. He says, you never hid any matter from me, now I have no importance, right, you are working now to take care of our expenses,. 

Mukund comes,. He asks, Renuka to return the money,. He says, I have taken the baby’s responsibility, I don’t want any fights, I have money,. He gives money to Renuka,. Adi says, we both don’t have 25000 for the tests, we both are jobless at this time,. Indu hears them,. Navya asks, Adi to stop it,.

Mukund asks, Renuka to take the doctor appointment, he will get 25000 till evening some how,. He goes,. Indu says, Mukund is busy in doing a dad’s duty, Sumitra is finding a girl for him,. Adi also goes,. Renuka asks, how will Mukund get happy, why is Adi not talking well,. 

Adi says, I will write proxy, I will do,. Gautam says, think again, its risky,. Adi says, I will take the risk, I want money,. Mukund gets dressed as a taxi driver,. He calls out Sumitra,. Renuka looks on shocked,. He gives her 25000,. She asks, how did you get this money,. He says, I have started my work, I got this advance,. Sumitra scolds him,. He explains his new business,. He says, taxi business is really good, I can progress much,. Renuka smiles,. She does the car puja,. Sumitra blesses Mukund,. Renuka says, I know he will keep the baby’s responsibility well,. She keeps the money,. She prays that he progresses in his work,. 

Sumitra comes to do the puja,. She sees Renuka doing the puja,. She gets angry,.

Its morning, Adi takes Renuka’s blessings,. She asks, did you get a job,. Adi doesn’t say,. She asks, him to have breakfast,. Navya asks, her to let him go, why should women apologize always,. She says, I will come with you and take leave,. Mukund says, no need, I will come with you,. He takes Sumitra for the first ride,. 

Renuka gets his tiffin,. Yash comes home to meet Mukund,. He says, congrats for the new car, I want to go out with you both, you have to come to school and attend the school function, mum and dad are busy,. Sumitra gets down the car,. Renuka sits with Yash,. Sumitra stares at them,.    

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