Gupta brothers 25th January written episode update


Gupta brothers 25th January written episode update

Gupta brothers 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Aditi packing her stuff and telling Alok that she is leaving the house, as she can’t see her baby dying here,. Alok tells, it is your mistake and tells, if you had obeyed Bhabhi maa and eaten the food, then this wouldn’t have happened? Aditi blames him for trusting them and tells, thank God, I am leaving from this house and tells, I can’t stay here in this hell like house anymore,. Alok asks, her to go and not to show her face to him,. He tells, even if I take out my heart, then also you will not like it,. 

He tells, we were not even married for 2 months, but you have problems with everyone and Jaya,. He tells, he has changed completely for her, so that she gets happy,. He asks, her to go and tells, Veeru is doing good, taking divorce, I think I shall do the same,. Aditi is shocked,.

Jaya looks at her bridal dress as she packs her bags, and recalls Veeru telling that their marriage will end,. Ganga comes there and tells, you was looking very beautiful in this and asks, why you want to go away from Veeru, as you started liking him,. 

She asks, why are you going away from your love,. Jaya tells, because I can never get love,. She tells, whom she had loved since childhood, that person never loved her,. She tells, when she has started loving Veeru, he has decided and selected these guys for me, as he hates me,. Ganga tells that Veeru loves you and that’s why doing this,. She tells, this time your love is just yours,. Jaya tells, you are saying this, so that I don’t leave the house,. She tells, I will take my own decision and tells, I will divorce Veeru, as he wants and go away from his life,. She tells, this is my last decision,.

Shiv and Veeru come home,. Ganga confronts Veeru for his decision and asks, if you know what you are doing ? 

Veeru tells, it is better for us to separate in an unwanted relation, tells, Jaya is very upset, he don’t want to give her pain,. Ganga tells, you are giving her big pain and saying this, asks, him to look in her eyes once,. Alok tells, Veeru said right that they shall end the relation, if it is just a compromise,. He tells, you got Veeru married, we all thought that it is good, now we can see his pain and tells him that he will stand for his decision,. He asks, him to come with him and tells, if I stand here for more time, then I don’t know what will I say,. They leave,. 

Shiv tells, our family is breaking Ganga,. Ganga tells, I can’t see our family breaking,.

Shiv comes to Aditi,. Aditi asks, did you come to blame me and say that I am wrong,. Shiv tells, no,. Aditi tells, I don’t want to stay here, if I stay here then my child and I can lose our lives,. Shiv asks, what are you saying and tells, whoever had tried to harm you, is not part of the family,. He promises that they all will love her so much,. Aditi tells, what love and tells that Alok shouted at me today, I have nothing in this house now,. He is talking about divorce,. Shiv asks, Alok? Aditi tells, I left my family for me and what I got in exchange, hatred? She tells, I am pregnant and my husband is talking about going far from me, what is left here,.

 Shiv tells, I will talk to Alok and tells, this house and family are all yours,. Aditi tells, this is a lie, neither Alok nor this family is mine,. I am taking my baby with me, before someone snatches it from me,.

Ganga comes to Alok and asks, him to talk to Aditi and make everything fine,. Alok tells, he is tired of trying and tells, since I got married, I am trying to make her understand and believe that I am just hers, but she is not listening,. He tells, he is suffocating and dying so that she stays happy,. He tells, how to make her understand that I am not wrong, Jaya is also not wrong, but she herself is wrong,. 

Ganga asks, him to save this relation,. Alok tells, if I try to save the relation, then I will die,. He tells, though I love her and our baby, but I can’t stay with her,. This is the right decision, if I change my decision then I will not be alive,. He apologizes to her,.

Aditi and Jaya come out of their rooms with their bags,. Shiv gets upset and tries to make them understand not to break their marriage,. He asks, Alok and Veeru to apologize to their wives,. Ganga asks, if Jaya and Aditi haven’t done any mistake, even they have troubled them,. 

Shiv tells, they are my brothers, I know them better than you,. Ganga tells, you don’t know them better and asks, what is Alok’s mistake, he shouted at her once,. She tells, Jaya had developed feelings for him, but taunted Veeru so much,. Shiv tells that jaya has done so much for the family,. He tells, Aditi is pregnant and mood swings is natural,. Ganga tells that Aditi’s behavior is such since the beginning and tells, even Veeru married Jaya for me,. She tells, if Aditi and Jaya want to leave then can go,. He tells, a woman can make the home as heaven or hell,. Shiv shouts enough and asks, why are you making our heaven like house as a hell and blames her,. 

She tells, you are blaming me,. He tells, yes, as you are responsible and asks, why did you ask Aditi to have food as you say, and tells, if you had not insisted then Alok and Aditi wouldn’t have fought,. He tells, Jaya and Veeru also got married because of you,. He blames her for everything,. 

Ganga tells, today you have shown what is my place in this house,. She tells, she will not stay here anymore and will leave the house,. Shiv tells, it would be better? He tells, seeing your thinking, I feel you shall leave,.   

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