Gupta brothers 19th January written episode update


Gupta brothers 19th January written episode update

Gupta brothers 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Veeru and Jaya are sitting in the hotel, while the waiter serves them noodles,. They are about to hold the spoon at the same time,. Veeru takes back his hand,. Jaya smiles,. Song plays…,.Dil jaaniye…,.She starts eating it,. Veeru also eats the noodles,. Aditi is in the room and holds Alok’s face,. She touches him and hugs him,. Alok is upset,. Jaya comes out for a walk,. Veeru removes his jacket and offers her,. She nods no and starts walking,. Aditi lies down on the bed with Alok for their wedding night,. 

Next day, Jaya looks at something through the binoculars and smiles,. Aditi checks her pregnancy test and shows to Alok,. Alok hugs her,.

Amba asks, Ganga if she has made all the decorations,. Ganga says, yes,. Amba says, bathroom is build properly,. Ganga says, yes and tells that she has kept the puja today, so that when they return then everyone stays happily,. Amba says, they will return after 13 days and today is the 10th day,. Pandit ji comes to do the puja,. Ganga opens the door and finds Alok-Aditi and Veeru-Jaya,. They touch Ganga’s feet,. Ganga asks, how did you come so early? Alok says, way was blocked so they came early,.

 Veeru says, the agent returned their money which he had taken for 13 days journey,. Ganga informs them about the puja,. Shiv comes there and gets happy seeing them,. Aditi says, we have a happy news to share,. Alok says, Aditi is pregnant,. Everyone smiles,. Ganga says, today is the auspicious day,. Veeru teases Alok for not telling him,. Ganga says, you was in the same hotel,. Alok says, yes, but,. Aditi says, I didn’t want to inform Jaya as she is jealous of me and would have made me feel bad about my good news,. Jaya gets upset and goes,. Ganga says, it is not like that,. Aditi says, she didn’t even wish me,. Pandit ji asks, them to come for puja,. They all sit for puja,.

 Veeru waits for Jaya to come,. Amba looks at Veeru,. Pandit ji completes the puja and gives them aarti,. Ganga asks, Pandit ji to come,. Jaya asks, Aditi did you show your real face infront of everyone,. She asks, her not to act, and asks, what did you say bad about me, all the time,. Aditi says, I am pregnant and it will effect my baby,. Jaya says, if your baby will not be affected with your bitter talks,. Ganga sees them arguing and asks, Jaya to stop fighting with her, as she is pregnant,. Jaya goes,. Aditi asks, Ganga to handle Jaya for her baby,.

Pandit ji tells them that there is a big reason for the argument/fight in the house,. He says, the bathroom behind Aditi’s room will be the reason for the fights in the house and it will affect the ones who use it,. He asks, them to get it closed for forever, to save themselves for the fights,. Amba smiles,.

 Ganga says, we just got it made,. Pandit ji asks, if you want peace and happiness then get it closed,. Shiv says, I don’t believe on all this,. Pandit ji says, I didn’t tell at first, but as Aditi is pregnant, I told,. Ganga asks, if there is a solution,. Pandit ji says, I will think of a solution and tell you in 3-4 days,. Shiv asks, Veeru to drop Pandit ji out,. Veeru comes to room and sees Jaya drying her hairs with a towel,. He looks at her and smiles,. Jaya sees him and asks, what? Veeru says, I want to talk to you about Aditi,. Jaya says, Aditi’s words don’t affect me,. Veeru says, we shall give our room to Alok and Aditi, as the latter is pregnant and needs bathroom,. Jaya asks, if she shall be silent and suffer at the hands of Aditi,. She says, she will not give her room and bathroom to Aditi,. 

Veeru says, I am talking nicely with you and you are speaking rudely with me,. Jaya says, you will understand when same things happen with them,. Amba comes there,. Veeru keeps the clothes in the cupboard,.

 Amba says, she was waiting to hear good news from them,. Jaya says, they are not suitable for each other and tells that it is just helplessness and not a relation,. She says, she has understood that she has to carry the burden of the relation,. Veeru hears her and gets angry,.    

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