Gudiya hamari sabhi pe Bhari 22nd January written episode update


Gudiya hamari sabhi pe Bhari 22nd January written episode update

Gudiya hamari sabhi pe Bhari 22nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with everyone crying knowing that Neembu baba is dead,. Pappu tells, he will take the dead body inside,. Radhe tells, we have to call doctor for the confirmation,. Amrud baba starts blaming Sarla and tells that Neembu baba died after having kheer,. Pappu and Radhe take Neembu baba inside,. Amrud baba tells, he had kheer made by Sarla,. Sweety tells that she had three bowls of kheer,. Rajjo tells, he is dead,. Pappu tells, he will call Chunni lal,. Bantu tells, the dead body is missing,. Amrud baba gets happy and tells his shishyas that Sarla will go to jail now and they will get this house now,. They laugh,. 

Radhe comes there and tells that Neembu baba’s dead body is missing,. Chunni lal comes there and asks, who was here, when Neembu baba died,. He asks, Amrud baba about him,. Amrud baba tells, someone might have poisoned him,. Just then he sees Neembu baba in the balcony and informs everyone, but nobody sees him,. Amrud baba sees him everywhere,. Chunni lal tells, you can’t leave sipri until the dead body is found,. He asks, Radhe to come and give statement in the PS,. Amrud Baba tells, even we,. Chunni lal tells, no, as the incident happened in their house,. He asks, him not to leave Sipri,. 

Amrud baba panics and tells that he is feeling like he will get heart attack now and tells that he has seen him,. He has his Shishyas, if they saw Neembu baba after his death,. He tells, no,. They plan to elope from there just as they get the chance,.

Radhe tells Amrud baba that he is going to the PS,. Amrud Baba gets scared with the thought of ghost and come out of the room,. He goes to the washroom and finds Neembu baba standing there,. His shishyas tell that once they leave from here, then will get rid of this ghost,. Later during the sabha, a couple comes to Amrud Baba and tells that the ghost is after us,. Gudiya throws lemon at him,. He sees her standing in the window and comes out,. He comes out and holds Neembu baba’s neck, but it is actually Pappu,. Radhe tells, he is Pappu, my son,. 

Amrud baba tells, this is Neembu baba’s dead body,. Radhe asks, how can you so sure that Neembu baba is dead and his ghost is here,. Amrud baba tells, I have killed him, and mixed poison in his kheer,. Gudiya smiles,. Chunni lal comes and tells, you are under arrest,. Pappu tells, you have stoop low and calls yourself as Baba,. Radhe tells, you have killed our daughter,. Pappu asks, him to see that this is not Neembu baba, but our Gudiya,. He removes the moustache,. Radhe tells, he had identified her,. Everyone say that they have identified her,.

Amrud baba tells, so you all was with her,. Pappu tells, we became part of her plan, when we came to know it,. Radhe tells, they act not to identify her,. 

Sarla tells, they shall be thankful that Gudiya is saved,. Radhe tells, if Bantu had not changed the poison with Sugar powder then what would have happened? Gudiya tells, she had James Bond with her, Chunni lal and Bantu,. They all laugh,. Chunni lal tells, come baba? Gudiya asks, Amrud baba to think four times, before fooling innocent people and asks, him to become Aam wale baba next time,. 

Amrud baba tells, I will be punished and asks, Sarla what she ate before her birth,. Gudiya tells, coconut and sugar marble,. Everyone laughs,.   

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