Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 25th January written episode update


Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 25th January written episode update

Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Sayi asks, Virat if he is angry that she danced on Aniket’s song or participating in fresh’s welcome program,. He angrily walks away,. Sayi thinks she brought food for him, but he called Pakhi, she will never bring him food even if he requests,. Virat walks to Pakhi,. Pakhi asks, why did he ask so loudly to bring food,. He tells, he just asked for food, why didn’t she,. She asks, him to relax and tell what happened,. Sayi continues fuming and sleeps on bed,. Pakhi tells Virat that he took a lot of time that he is not compatible with Sayi; he scolded her in the morning when she told Sayi is taking revenge, but now he is angry on Sayi so much,. 

Virat tells, she is dancing in college’s fresher’s welcome program,. She asks, what is wrong in that,. He tries to speak about Aniket but stops,. She asks, him to relax till she brings food for him,. Ashwini walks in and tells, she warmed food for him, so he should come and have it,. He tells, he is not hungry,. She tells, she will feed him from her hands and takes him along looking at Pakhi,. She feeds him,. He tells, he insulted her and feels guilty for that,. She tells, its not his mistake as he is bearing a big responsibility suddenly and above that hears family’s taunts,. He tells, is tensed because of Sayi,. Ashwini tells, Sayi is kind hearted and does things without thinking, she loves her a lot and cannot see anyone scolding her, so confronted Virat the other day,. He tells, she scolds him often,. 

Ashwini tells, Sayi calls her aayi/mother and will not spare anyone who scolds him, so he should be careful,.

Next morning, Sayi joins Ashwini in kitchen saying she wants to finish work soon and go to college,. Ashwini asks, what happened last night,. Sayi tells, she just told Virat that she is participating in college’s freshers’ program, he got angry hearing that,. She asks, if she offered him food or not,. She tells, she asked if wants her or Pakhi to bring food for him, so he shouted loudly asking Pakhi to bring food,. 

Ashwini tells, she is a fool to do that, Virat gets angry whenever he is hungry, so she should take him food as soon as he returns from work,. She agrees,. Ashwini informs that today is Basant panchami and a few ladies will come for pooja, so she should return home soon and go to college wearing a yellow dress,. Sayi thanks her again and hugging her tells, she is the best,. Ashwini asks, her to repeat it,.

Pakhi offers to Bhavani in garden,. Bhavani informs her about basant panchami festival celebration today and asks, to make arrangements for it,. 

She also informs that women will come to perform pooja and rituals and she will teach Sayi a lesson,. Pakhi asks, what will she do,. Bhavani tells, just wait and watch,. In the evening, Ashwini and others get busy in arrangements when Devi walks to her and asks, reason for decoration,. Ashwini tells, its basant panchami festival today and explains its rituals in detail, tells, married ladies apply alda/red color on their feet today,. Devi tells Bhavani that she will apply alda as she is also married,. Bhavani shouts at her to shut up and orders to go to her room,. Ashwini tells Devi that she kept sweets in her room, so she should go and have it,. Devi leaves happily,. 

Usha walks to Bhavani and requests not to feel bad about Sahi’s behavior as she is tough, but good at heart,. Pakhi comments that goodness should be shown and not hidden from everyone,. Usha describes how Sayi fought for Shivani and protected her,. Saloni yells that she stretched the issue and insulted their family, Virat was arresting Amay anyways,. Ashwini asks, Usha not to waste her time as one whose bad cannot understand Sayi’s goodness,. 

Bhavani yells how dare she is to call them bad and alleges that she is supporting Sayi thinking Sayi will give all her earnings to her after becoming a doctor,. Ashwini warns her to stop,.

Virat reminisces Sayi praising Aniket and asks, constable in which police station limits does Nagpur college come,. Constable tells, Hanuman Nagar,. Virat decides to go for an inspection to Nagpur college and wears his cap,.    

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