Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 20th January written episode update


Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 20th January written episode update

Ghum hai kisi ke pyar mein 20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Sayi tells Virat that she will not feel bad if he flirts with any girl as their marriage is a contract,. Virat says, she has to follow his orders,. She asks, if she is his constable that she should follow his order,. He says, if she was his constable, he would have ordered her to have medicine,. She says, why did he support her against family in the morning,. He says, he felt she was right,. She asks, then why did he scold her the other day,. He says, he scolded her that day as he felt she did wrong by flirting with Amay and bringing him home and supported her in the morning as Bhavani did wrong by snatching plate from her hands,. He asks, to forget all this and tell if she had anything since morning,. She says, she didn’t as she has to prebook order in college canteen,. 

He asks, if she really didn’t have anything,. She says, she had air and its very tasty,. He says, even he felt same being hungry since morning,. She asks, even if he didn’t have anything since morning,. He says, yes and insists to check her fever,. She agrees,. He checks her forehead and puts thermometer in her mouth,. Their eyes lock and they they get alert,. He checks reading and says, she has high fever, so she should have food and then rest, she will not work tomorrow and he will talk about it to Bhavani,. She thinks earlier Virat sir asked her to work and now not to work, but she will work in kitchen and then go to college and will not bear anyone’s taunt,.

Bhavani walks into kitchen and asks, Saloni and Karishma if they are doing their work properly,. She asks, about Ashwini,. Saloni says, Ashwini is having headache,. Bhavani jokes that when Ashwini is having such a troublesome bahu like Sayi,. Saloini laughs,. Bhavani praises that she taught good morales to her bahu,. They both continue badmouthing about Sayi,. 

Karishma thinks she is benefitted with Sayi’s arrival,. Usha walks in,. Bhavani yells at her and rudely asks, about Sayi,. Usha says, Sayi is having high fever since last night,. Bhavani yells why she feeds her food by hand,. Karishma comments that Usha is behind Sayi’s father’s money,. Usha says, she considers Sayi as her daughter and doesn’t need her money,. She asks, to give her some work,. Saloni suggests Bhavani to dump all the work on her,. Bhavani smirks,.

After sometime, Saloni serves tea to Ninad and Bhavani,. Ninad asks, her to serve him some breakfast,. Bavani tells Ninad that she made a mistake by getting him married to Ashwini, she showed her kind nature seeing Ashwini’s parents pleading to accept their daughter,. Ninad says, poor and uneducated Ashwini is unfit to be in rich Chavan family,. 

Pakhi walks down and apologizes Bhavani for waking up late,. Bhavani says, its okay as its not too late and praises her upbringing,. Pakhi says, she will prepare breakfast for them and makes toasts,. Sayi walks down and asks, Usha what should she do,. Usha who is dusting furniture asks, her to stay away as she is having fever and would catch cold,. Bhavani smirks seeing that,. Sayi asks, Usha to give her some work or else Bhavani will taunt her,. Pakhi walks to Sayi and asks, her stop acting if she doesn’t want to work,. Sayi says, already there are Ninad, Omkar, Bhavani, and Saloni to share their gyaan and now even Karishma comments,. Pakhi says, she didn’t ask her not to work, but to work thinking as her responsibility,. 

Sayi says, there are elders to say that,. Bhavani yells to cook food,. Pakhi backs,. Sayi asks, when Bhavani is speaking, why she is interfering,. Ninad yells she is crossing her limits,. Sayi asks, what did she say, she is just asking what should she do,. Bhavani says, she will cook food for everyone and asks, Ninad to give her menu,. He gives a long list of Marathi cuisine,. Sayi says, he is having high BP and shouldn’t have fried food,. Ninad yells if he has to take her permission to have what he wants,. Pakhi yels next, but Sayi shuts her mouth and asks, Bhavani to give her menu,. Bhavani gives her long list and says, since Ashwini is ill and resting, Sayi should prepare whole food alone,. Usha gets tensed thinking how will Sayi prepare so much food alone, she needs to attend collegte soon,. 

Drama continues Sayi reminds Bhavani that she and Karishma if one bahu cooks other bahus help her, she thinks Bhavani doesn’t know to cook or work or else she would have helped Ashwini in kitchen, so she will take Karishma and Pakhi’s help now,. She asks, Karishma to cut the vegetables and Pakhi to grind masalas,. They both stand fuming hearing that,.   

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