Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 5th January written episode update


Ek Mahanayak Dr.BR Ambedkar 5th January 2021 Written Episode, Written Update....

Bhima says our people wont do that. They think before doing something. Everyone’s life is equally valuable.
Bhimbai requests them to ask Maharaj if souls are different.  
Dhansukhlal says souls are in heaven and hell while bodies remain on earth.
Bhima insists he wont leave without his mother’s earrings.   
Kundan refuses and so do Bhimbai and the men from their community.
Dhansukhlal leaves with his men. Kundan heads inside.
Puranjan tells Bala he will kill Maharaj the moment he will start his Sabha. You should take care of Bhima and Bhimbai.
They will try to stop us if they find out about the plan.   
Bala wants to kill Maharaj but Puranjan does not want to ruin his future. I will end up in jail.  
Just promise me that the fire that he has started will not be blown out at any cost.   


Bala promises him.
Ram ji comes to work.   
Seth ji asks him why he came here again.
You thought you will still be able to work after saying all those things yesterday !
Another worker says some men are stubborn. It might also be because of their caste.   
Ram ji says :- I dint think of anything when I left home yesterday.   
I decided to continue working till the time you throw me out of this job. I have been a Subedar.
I know that it’s important to fight till the end.   
Seth ji tells him to take the utensils inside. You wouldn’t have to lie again otherwise.   
Ram ji says :- that wont be needed. My son is very smart. He has told me not to lie to him about my job or anything else as that would teach him a wrong lesson as well.   

Another worker says :- you should teach your son how to clean mess as well. He has to do this eventually after all.   
Ram ji says :- I don’t know what he will do in future but you must pray that your sons would end up with better jobs than you.  
Kundan’s wife is bothered by the commotion. Don’t know what they can do ! Don’t step outside at all.   
He asks her if she wants him to get afraid of these low people. Stay inside. I am going to market.   
Kundan comes outside. He is bothered by the commotion yet he walks away.
Bhima decides to do after him but Bala asks Anand to follow Kundan instead.
Bhimbai tells Bala it is good that he is here.    
Bala says :- I am your son after all. I understood what Bhima was telling me.
Bhima asks :- about Manjula.
Bhimbai shares that she is taking care of Bua at home.   

Bala chants slogan with Bhima and the men.
Kundan’s wife decides to return the earrings to Bhimbai. She starts looking for them.   
Anand and few men follow Kundan around town.
Kundan asks :- him if he thinks this will work.   
Anand says :- I don’t know that but atleast people will know that you stole our mother’s earrings.
Kundan tells him to continue. He walks away angrily.
Anand and the men continue following him.   
Mangesh, Dhansukhlal and Maharaj observe everything from far.   
Mangesh is bothered by it but Maharaj says Kundan has done something worthwhile and must be praised.
Anand and the men tail Kundan in the market as well.  

Puranjan is waiting for Maharaj.
Maharaj comes there just then. He starts the Sabha.
Puranjan looks at him determined. He will be dead today ! Puranjan moves closer to Maharaj.   
Kundan, Anand and the men come there.
Kundan requests Maharaj to do something.   
Maharaj says :- ignore them. They shouldn’t be able to bother you.
Anand says :- we wont hurt anyone as we aren’t like you.   
Maharaj says :- no one is alike. You can chant your slogans in a corner and I will continue with my pravachan here.   
Anand calls it a sham. You will run away from here the moment my brother will ask you 2 questions! Puranjan scolds Anand for speaking to Maharaj like this.
Understand this that Maharaj is true. We are all lies. Tell this to your brother Bhima too. 


Anand asks him why he is saying this.
Puranjan says :- I understood that by losing my one leg.
He tells Maharaj he wants to be accepted by him.   
Anand asks him what he is saying. You are Baba’s friend.
Puranjan says :- there is no friendship. You can continue with your revolution. I will do things peacefully.  
Maharaj tells Puranjan to come to him and seek his blessings by touching his feet.   
Puranjan looks at Maharaj determinedly.
No one will be able to save you from me today! Anand runs away.
Maharaj tells Puranjan that God will forgive him only when he will apologize to the human beings created by Him.
You must apologize to everyone present here. Villagers echo his logic.   
Mangesh tells him to apologize to him first. Your blood boils the most when you see me. Apology is important for penitence. Bow down and apologize !
Puranjan decides to apologize to them just to find a way to kill Maharaj.  

Anand tells his family what Bala is up to.
Bala feigns ignorance. He was speaking of revenge till now. How can he do this ?
Bhima decides to go there.   
Bala decides to do something to stop them from going there.
Bhimbai offers to come along but Bala says I will go with Bhima.  
Puranjan kneels down on the ground.
Mangesh says :- this isn’t giving me any peace. Lie down on the ground, fold your hands and apologize. Puranjan complies.   
Everyone laughs at Puranjan. Puranjan apologizes to them one by one in a similar manner.  

Bala stops Bhima. You wont go to stop Puranjan.   
Bhima reasons that they will lose their struggle if Puranjan Kaka will bow down in front of Maharaj. Bala denies.   
Puranjan Kaka hasn’t gone there to touch his feet but to kill him! Bhima calls it wrong but Bala refuses to let him go there.   
He holds his hand tightly. A struggle ensues between the brothers.  
Dhansukhlal asks Puranjan to apologize to him before going to Maharaj.  

Bala continues to block Bhima’s way.
Bhimbai slaps Bala.   
Bala calls it wrong. You are supporting one son and going against another. This is injustice !   
Bhimbai says :- if a mother’s love has to decide between right and wrong then it is justice.   
She tells Bhima to leave.
She asks Bala to let go of Bhima’s hand.
Bala lets go.
Bhima runs away.   
Bhimbai looks at Bala’s wounded hand.  

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