Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 21st January written episode update


Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 21st January written episode update

Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar  21st January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Ram ji reminds the kids that they are strong,. You must not cry,. Anand asks, him to say that Aayi is lying,. Ram ji tells, I would have gladly said it if only my words can prove it to be a lie,. They kids reminisce their past moments with Bhimbai,. Bala sits down in shock,. Bhimbai’s words echo in his head,. Bhima refuses to accept it,. He hugs his mother and cries,. Seth ji feels bad for them,. Ram ji requests Seth ji to resume their festivities,. Seth ji tells, we are not so stone hearted that we will celebrate in such circumstances,. 

Ram ji denies,. It is Bhimbai’s last wish,. She wants to live these last few moments happily and want to see everyone happy,. Bhimbai asks, everyone if they should go home,. Bhima refuses,. We don’t want to go anywhere and neither will you,. Ram ji tells, you are the smart one,. He refuses to be the smart one,. I only want my Aayi,. Ram ji asks, him to come home,. Bhima refuses to let anything happen to his mother and runs off,. Ram ji goes father him,. Bhimbai asks, Ram ji to stop Bhima,.

Bhima wants to find a medicine from anywhere,. 

Ram ji assures him he will go tomorrow morning,. You must remain patient when the circumstances turn against you,. Nothing is greater than a mother for a kid,. Pain decreases when you share it,. Bhima hugs him and cries,.

Meera notices everyone’s sad face as they return home and panic,. What happened? Why is everyone crying? Manjula tell her that Aayi is going to leave them,. Meera is all the more confused,. Bhima tells, she is not going anywhere,. We will go to Bombay or even abroad if needed,. 

Aayi cannot die like this,. He hugs her,. Meera breaks down and hugs them as well,.

Mangesh, Dhansukhlal and Pundit ji announce the rumour about the reason behind Bhimbai’s death in the town,.

Everyone is sitting sadly in the courtyard,. Bhimbai tells, I will die today itself if everyone will sit dejectedly like this,. Guru ji comes there just then,. He asks, Bhima why he isn’t ready yet,. It is your exam today,. Mangesh, Pundit ji and Dhansukhlal come there,. Mangesh tells Guru ji about Bhimbai’s impending death,. 

Dhansukhlal tells, God has punished her for interfering in our dharma,. Guru ji calls it nonsense,. Pundit ji asks, him if he cannot look at their sad faces and understand it himself,. Dhansukhlal tells him to look at Bhima’s face,. He gets so excited when it comes to study yet he is sitting quietly there,. he wont go for any exam,. He will see his Aayi dying! Bhima looks at his mother sadly,.

Ram ji tells, you don’t know what my son has been made of,. He tells Bhima he must go to give exam,. Bhima hugs his mother,. I don’t want to give any exam,. Mangesh mocks Ram ji using his own words,. 

Ram ji brings Anand and Bhima’s bags,. He gives Anand his bag,. He next makes Bhima stand,. Your Aayi’s life wont increase even for a second if you will choose not to give this exam,. Now you have to decide whether you want to give exam or not,. Bhima hugs his mother and cries,. Dhansukhlal calls Ram ji emotionless,. Bhima’s Aayi is going to die and you are forcing him to give exam! Amazing! Bhimbai thinks that if Bhima misses his exam today then might not be able to get over the fact that this exam brought his mother’s death,. 

She makes Bhima look at her,. You choose between alternatives, not duties,. Education is your duty,. It is not a responsibility,. I have never told you but I loved to study when I was a kid,. I was a girl and no one would send a girl to school in that age,. I feel that I am studying when you are studying,. I see myself going to school when you head to school,. Your Aayi cannot be an alternative to your studies ever,. Go and give your exam now,. I will still be around you after my death,. I will be the illiterate around you who you can teach sometimes,. She kisses him on his forehead,. She keeps his bag around his shoulder,. Bhima and Anand step outside,. 

Bhima looks at his mother for a second and then runs off to school,. Anand runs with him,. Ram ji holds Bhimbai,. Guru ji tells everyone to now understand what Bhima is made of,. If we will have more kids like in him in future then the society will be stronger and empowered,. He leaves for school,.

Dhansukhlal tells, you are going to lose one family member yet you don’t realise that it is God’s wrath,. The villagers walk away,.

Ram ji helps Bhimbai sit,. I am going to Bombay,. She reasons that she would have recovered in the first visit if it was meant to be,. Ram ji wants to still go,. I wont feel that I never tried,. I will be back by night,. 

Meera and Puranjan second him,. Puranjan goes to see him off till the station,. Bhimbai holds his hand for a second,. Come back soon,.

Bhimbai decides to cook food for everyone but the girls request her to sit with them,. We are not hungry,. Bhimbai smiles,. You are lying to me as you don’t want to bother me,. Let me cook something for you,. Bala offers to cook instead,. Bhimbai looks at him in surprise,. Bala tells, I haven’t cooked anything till date but I will try,. He goes inside,. Bhimbai sends the girls inside to help him,.

Meera rues that she always considered Bhimbai as her sister yet she hid this truth from her,. Bhimbai wipes her tears and sits with Meera,. 

Meera tells, I have always prayed for the well being of this family,. I have always hoped that any pain coming towards any member of this family should reach me first,. I have no one after me after all,. Bhimbai points out that she has to look after her kids and husband,. They should not miss anything or me,. Please fill my space once I am gone,. Meera tells, you aren’t going anywhere,. We wont accept any of this nonsense,.

Bhima is crying while writing his answers,.

Bhimbai tells Meera not to become emotional,. It is important,. My kids will get a mother when another Bhimbai will come,. 

Meera shouts that there cannot be another Bhimbai,. There is only one,. She cries and hugs Bhimbai,. You cannot leave us,. Please don’t do this,.

Bhima keeps thinking about his mother’s condition while writing his exam,.   

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