Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 20th January written episode update


Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 20th January written episode update

Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar  20th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with One guy tells Seth ji that Ram ji might have made him realise many things but we wont eat here if they will eat here,. Seth ji tells him that they have made different arrangements for Ram ji and his family,. He gestures Ram ji to go to a corner,. Sakpal family and Puranjan look at the place unhappily but Ram ji agrees,. Puranjan feels it to be an insult,. Seth ji seemed different and nice in the morning,. This speaks otherwise,. Bhima denies,. He is indeed different,. Even I don’t feel good that we will be eating at separately,. He still made some efforts for us,. We are bothered because of the way this society has been structured,. It will take some time to break this structure,. 

One guy asks, Ram ji to sing something,. It will be interesting,. He asks, Seth ji to request Ram ji,. Kids request Ram ji,. He denies but gives in when Bhimbai says, yes on his behalf,.

Bhimbai and Ram ji go to a corner,. Ram ji tells Bhimbai he wont be able to sing,. She says, we have spent our life reaching a place like this,. We have never been welcome here before,. Those who are looking at you strangely right now will become your fan soon,. 

They will clap for you,. I will take this memory with me,. I will be happy thinking that everyone will be praising my Subedar Sahab,. Please sing,. She wipes her tears before joining the kids again,.

Ram ji is about to sit with the singers but the same guy who was against him eating with them insults Ram ji,. You don’t deserve to sit with us,. Stand in a corner and sing,. Ram ji and his family feel bad but Ram ji stays quiet,. Sakpal family and Puranja clap for Ram ji,. Ram ji sings a sad song,. Bhimbai gets emotional,. She feels seering pain in her head again,. 

Puranjan eyes Bhimbai sadly,. Bhimbai leaves from there,.

Bhimbai comes near a well,. She holds her head in pain and is very restless,.

Everyone claps for Ram ji as the song comes to an end,.

Bhimbai sits on the floor and cries,. Her head is aching badly,.

Seth ji complements Ram ji on his singing,. Ram ji thanks him,. Kids hug Ram ji,. He immediately asks, Bhimbai,. Puranjan shares that she has went to get some fresh air,. Ram ji does not let Bhima come along,. He goes with Puranjan,.

Bhimbai makes a headband for herself using her saree’s pallu but cries because of the pain,. Ram ji and Puranjan reach there,. Ram ji holds her,. She asks, him to press her head harder,. He does his best but she still complains of a headache,. He ties the piece of cloth on her forehead,. 

Bhimbai screams because of the pain,. I don’t think I will be able to live for another 1-2 days,. Vaid ji had told me that my end will be near when the pain will become unbearable,. This is too much for me! Please take me away from here and from their kids,. I thought I will be able to pass the time by lying to the kids but I don’t think I will be able to make it,. Ram ji agrees,. Puranjan asks, them what he should tell the kids,. Ram ji tells him to lie to the kids that Bhimbai wanted to see her parents since few days,. Kids would have insisted on coming along so we went without telling anyone,.

Kids are waiting for Bhimbai,. Puranjan joins them,. He tells them the same lie when they ask for their parents,. 

Bhima does not buy it and runs outside to check,.

Mangesh tells the news about Bhimbai’s illness to Maharaj,. Maharaj is pleased to hear it,. Dhansukhlal says, it means she will die in 2-3 days,. Pundit ji adds that Bhima wont be able to walk around with pride anymore,. Dhansukhlal nods,. Bhimbai is Bhima’s biggest weakness,. Mangesh corrects him,. She is the strength and weakness of that entire family,. She is a woman yet she stands her ground always! That family will fall apart after her death,. 

Maharaj laughs,. Spread rumour around town that God is punishing Sakpal family for refusing to follow their traditions,. This is a lesson to them! Villagers agree,.

Ram ji is taking Bhimbai,. She tells him that she is tired,. I cannot walk anymore,. Kids catch up to them,. Bhimbai tries to lie but Bhima tells her not to lie again,. We wont let you two go anywhere,. Tell us the truth,. You have been behaving strangely since past few days,. Even Baba scolded us in the morning when we were looking for you,. That never happens,. Tell us the truth,. They give their swear to their parents,. Bhimbai and Ram ji remain silent,.

 Bhima says, it is said that if we swear falsely upon someone then that person dies,. I don’t believe that but I know that a mother cannot swear falsely in her kid’s name,. He keeps her hand on his head,. Tell us the truth now,. Bhimbai moves her hand aside,. She ends up telling them that she wont live for long,. I have only 2-3 days left! Kids are stunned,. Bala stands rooted to his place in shock while his siblings hug Bhimbai and cry in disbelief,.

Seth ji and a few other men reach there as well,. Kids ask their parents to say that this is a lie,. Don’t try to scare us,. We wont fight amongst each other,. 

Ram ji reminds them that they are strong kids,. You must not cry,. Anand asks, him to say that Aayi is lying,.    

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