Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 19th January written episode update


Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 19th January written episode update

Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar  19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Bhima explaining to his Baba that they were worried for Aayi,. She has lost conscious twice in the past,. She wasn’t home since a long time so we were worried,. Ram ji tells them to wait,. Your Aayi will return home,. She can step out of the house for as long as she wants,. Bhimbai tells him to stop now but he speaks of discipline,. Bhimbai tells them kids to go home,. I will speak to your Baba and we will be home soon too,. Kids walk away sadly,. Bhima keeps looking at his parents as he walks away with his siblings,.

Bhimbai tells Ram ji that he must remain strong like this for few more days,. Ram ji sits there with bowed head,. She suggests going home now,. 

Mangesh was hiding nearby and has overheard their convo,. He tells Maharaj everything,. I even tried to ask the Vaid but she refused to tell anything,. Dhansukhlal says, if Vaid is involved then it must be regarding their health,. Should we spread a rumour that this is because of them disobeying us? Maharaj likes the idea,. We must know when and how much to lie though,. Let’s first find out the entire truth and then we will make a strategy around it,. He tells Mangesh to collect taxes from those who are coming to attend his pravachan,. Organize another pravachan soon,. We will benefit from it,. Mangesh smirks,.

Kids return home,. Meera asks, them what happened,. They tell her everything,. Bhima is quiet,. Ram ji and Bhimbai reach home as well,. They both lie about their whereabouts to everyone,. Ram ji goes inside,.

 Puranjan comes there,. I am ready to go to your Boss’s anniversary now,. I have never been to such a bhoj before so I was pretty excited,. Kids gets excited as well when they hear that Ram ji has been invited with family,. They request their mother to convince Ram ji,.

Bhimbai convinces Ram ji to go for her and for the kids’ sake,. Kids jump with excitement and hug their mother when she tells them that Ram ji has agreed to go,. Bhimbai notices Bhima sitting sadly in a corner and tickles him,. His siblings join in,. Ram ji watches them sadly,. I wonder when this family will be able to smile again after you leave us! Puranjan makes Ram ji tell him the truth about Bhimbai’s illness,. His eyes well up,.

Puranjan says, one must bid adieu to people with love and happiness,. We must try to give them that,. Bhimbai seconds him,. This is what I have been trying to tell you friend since so long,. It is good that you told him this,. He might understand now,. I will feel good if he will be happy,. She tells her husband to get ready,. I have told the kids we are going to Seth ji’s place,. 

She tells Puranjan to tell his friend to get ready asap,. She asks, her husband to bring a new saree for her like Puranjan said,. I wont speak (she stops mid sentence),. Puranjan asks, Ram ji to come with him,. We will bring saree for Bhabhi,. Ram ji goes with Puranjan,. Bhimbai is in tears,. Puranjan tells the kids to be ready,. We will go to bhoj as soon as we are back,. Everyone smiles,. Bhima is sure there is something that his parents are hiding,.

Ram ji and his family reach Seth ji’s home,. Seth ji thanks Ram ji for giving him the idea,. Bhimbai says, we would have brought a gift for you but we know you wont touch anything that we will bring,. We pray that you two stay together and happy always,. 

Seth ji’s wife wishes the same for them,. Bhimbai rues that this wont happen,.

Dhansukhlal says, I found a clue,. We might be able to get hold of the entire story once Mangesh is back,. Maharaj is anxious to know what’s going on in Bhima’s home,. Many secrets might come out then,.    

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