Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 18th January written episode update


Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar 18th January written episode update

Ek mahanayak dr. Br Ambedkar  18th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Bhimbai requests Vaid ji to give her a medicine because of which she can see Bhima give his exams and attend Bhima’s felicitation ceremony,. They hear a thud and look back,. Ram ji is watching them in shock,. Bhimbai tries to lie to him but he keeps her hand on his head,. Bhimbai looks down,. Ram ji realizes why she has been behaving strangely these past days,.

 Vaid ji tells him that Bhimbai does not have much time left,. He refuses to accept it,. There are better doctors available,. I will take my wife to Bombay,. So many people have recovered from much worse,. I will get her treated,. Vaid ji says, as a Vaid and as a human, I want that too but it is not possible,. Wish I could tell you that your wife will be fine,. Bhimbai cries silently in a corner,. Vaid ji goes outside when someone calls her for help,.

Ram ji breaks down,. Bhimbai asks, him who will support her if he will break down like this,. How will I spend these last few days like this? Think about the kids,. You have to look after them,. She makes him look at her,. You have said it many times that you will stand with me through thick and thin,. You cannot leave me alone today,. 

He asks, her if she forgot her end of the bargain,. We vowed to be together for 7 births and you are going to leave me in this birth only! I wont let you die,. He holds her close and cries,. Bhimbai wipes his tears and cups his face,. Remember what you used to say when you were in army? You used to say that you will fulfil your responsibilities till the time you are alive,. I am your wife after all and want to live by that word,. This will only be possible with your support,. You will support me, right? He cries,. She repeats her question,. Ram ji composes himself somehow and then nods,. Bhimbai asks, him to come,. Vaid ji says, I don’t have a medicine which can give you few more days but I am positive that you wont leave us till the time Bhima gives his exams, gets his results and gets to attend the bhoj,. Bhimbai looks at her emotionally,.

Dhansukhlal and Mangesh tell Maharaj they tried to find out what happened at Bhimbai’s home but no one is willing to share anything,. They all gave taxes quietly,. 

Dhansukhlal says, I think she has realized her place in the society so she succumbed to us,. Maharaj says, you must change your style sometimes to bring out what’s hidden,. He notices Bhima and Anand outside,. Stop them and ask them,. Mangesh stops the kids,. He says, your Aayi got afraid of us and paid us taxes,. Dhansukhlal asks, Bhima why he is quiet,. Have you lost your words? Bhima says, I don’t know what victory and defeat mean to you but Baba says, that one must not celebrate their victory to show someone down,. Dhansukhlal asks, him if they shouldn’t celebrate now,. Bhima tells him to look closely,. You haven’t really won,. It is my Aayi who has won,. She accepted your cruel decision to maintain peace,. Mangesh, Dhansukhlal and Maharaj look upset,. 

Dhansukhlal says, you lost yet you speak as if you have won the war,. Mangesh says, looks like his Guru and father have told him to accept defeat as victory too,. They mock him,. Bhima takes a step towards Maharaj but Dhansukhlal tells him to speak from here,. Bhima tells Maharaj to tell these 2 something,. You consider yourself as their Guru and think you are very smart,. You will be blamed for their ignorance as it is the students and their nature which point at the kind of Guru they hold dear,. Maharaj fumes silently,. Bhima holds Anand’s hand and heads home,.

Tulsa gives water to Meera,. The girls ask about Bhimbai,. Meera says, she must be inside,. They tell her she isn’t home,. 

Bhima asks, Meera about her health,. Manjula asks, Bhima and Anand how they are home early,. They tell them the reason,. Bhima asks, for Bhimbai,. No one has a clue though,. He recalls how she has not been keeping well lately and gets worried,. Is she fine? He runs towards the fields followed by his siblings,.

Ram ji tells Bhimbai he wont be able to lie to the kids,. She tells him that they must do it,. They should not doubt us even for a second,. 

Ram ji says, it is not easy,. She agrees,. It isn’t easy but important,. Their life will stop if they find out about this,. I will die once but their happiness and childhood will die every second,. They hear their kids looking for them,. Bhimbai signals Ram ji,. They both wipe their tears,. Kids tell Bhimbai they couldn’t wait for her at home,. You weren’t there so we got worried,. Ram ji scolds them,. Can she not step out of the house for some time ? 

Bhimbai tells him not to scold her but he insists that they started looking for her when she was not at home,. They have been spoilt too much,.    

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