Choti sardarni 16th January written episode update


Choti sardarni 16th January written episode update

Choti sardarni 16th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with principal says, Halreen tried to bribe our teacher,. 

The teacher yes & she told me you are Param’s step mother, so you don’t take care or him,.

 Principal says, we have decided to rusticate Param,. Amrita says, what happened Meher ? Meher leaves in shock,. 

Yuvi tells everyone that Param slept during the exam & he will be out of school,.

Param is playing video game with Harleen & meher,.

 Param says, I see blur,. Meher comes & turns off the tv,. Meher says, sorry I disturbed you,. Meher says, now you can do whatever you want,. I won’t say anything,.

 Meher says, I would be okay if you preferred to say truth that you slept during the exam,. Meher says, to Harleen it would be better if you said truth instead of bribing the teacher,. Meher says, but congrats, school management has decided to rusticate Param now,. He can’t continue his studies this year now,. 

Harleen says, don’t worry it’s not a big deal,. I will talk to the principal,. How can they rusticate Param,.

 Meher says, I won’t talk yo anyone,. She goes to her room,. Param cries & says, I am sorry mama,. He knocks the door,. Sarab says, to Harleen how could you bribe a teacher,.

 Harleen says, you can’t blame me,. I will talk the principal,. They will have to take their decision back,. 

Sarab says, leave it now please,. I will h&le it,.

Param cries & says, Meher mama please open the door,. I am sorry I will never do that again,. I will never lie,. 

Meher says, you have to do Something if you want me to forgive you,. 

Param says, to Sarab sorry ppa i will never do that,. Sarab says, how will that happen now since you are not enrolled in school anymore,. He says, go to bua i will talk to mama,. 

Meher calls the principal & says, please forgive Param,. You can check his record,. 

This is mistake of elders not the kid,. Please give him one more chance,. Principal says, I will think about it & let you know,. 

 Meher says, I promise you it won’t happen again,. Sarab overhears it & says, no one can be like a mother,. Sarab says, you also give Param another chance,.

Jagga sees his file & says, who ruined it? There are markers all over it,. 

Amrita says, this looks like Yuvi’s h&writing,. Jagga goes to Yuvi & gets mad,. He says, why did you do this? Yuvi says, I also wanted to help you with your work,.

 Amrita says, this is your time to focus on studies,. Jagga says, I will be proud of you when you work with me one day,.

Meher says, I cannot forgive Param easily,. Yuvi is in school,. 

He tells his friends Param is rusticated,. He also tells how his bua wanted her share in property,.

Param says, I wont ever lie again mama,. I only want one last chance,. I will study all the time,. 

Param says, I can’t see clearly,. Meher & Sarab take him to a doctor,. Doctor examines & says, his eyesight is weak,. 

He will have to wear glasses from now on,. Meher & Sarab are shocked,. Param cries & says, I won’t wear glasses,.   

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