Brahmarakshas 23rd January written episode update


Brahmarakshas 23rd January written episode update

Brahmarakshas 23rd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Kalindi coming to Madan’s room,. He asks, how will I know if you want to talk to me,. Kalindi tells, whenever I see Prithvi Chachu’s eyes, I see love and worry for me, which I have been seeing since 16 years,. She tells, Angad is happy about the marriage, but I am worried that if I marry him, then Brahmarakshas will steal his body and asks, him to tell that how to marry him in this situation,. Madan asks, her not to marry Angad, but marry him instead,. Kalindi asks, what are you saying? Madan tells, are you worried that brahmarakshas will kill Angad and possess his body,. 

Kalindi tells, yes,. Madan tells, that’s why I am asking you to marry me,. Kalindi tells, then you will be in danger,. Madan tells, I have an idea to kill him and tells that Angad came from London and don’t know much about brahmarakshas,. He tells, he is doing on Brahmarakshas since years and the idea is in the book,. Kalindi asks, how will I come out of the house, on the marriage day,. Madan tells, we will handle Angad and asks, her if she agrees? She agrees,. Pari hears them,.

Sakshi comes to Angad and tells that they shall do London style Bachelor party and tells that she has selected the place,. Pari comes there and asks, Angad, why is he refusing Sakshi’s plan to have bachelor party,. 

She tells, he must have known how it is difficult to forget love and tells that whatever happened between Sid and her,. Angad agrees for the party,. Minty hears her,. Angad asks, Madan where is he going? Madan tells, may be I am also going to get married,. Angad tells, I had told Kalindi that if someone comes between Kalindi and me, then I will break their face,. Madan gives him best wishes and goes,.

Minty tells Kalindi about the party and checks the dress,. Kalindi thinks bachelor party in the jungle,. Robin is driving the car, while Kalindi, Angad, Sakshi, Minty and Pari are in the car,. Pari tells, my ex-fiance is getting married to Kalindi,. 

Angad jokes,. Minty moves the tree branches which is about to hit Robin, as he drives,. Robin thanks her and tells, you are my hero,.

Kalindi and Angad are sitting together and roasting the corn on the coal while looking at each other,. Minty teases them and tells that she will go on a walk with Robin,. Sakshi tells that even she will come,. Pari tells, we shall play truth or dare with Angad,. Angad tells, dare? Pari asks, him to remove his shirt for dare,. Kalindi asks, her to do sit ups,. Pari does sit ups,. Kalindi chooses truth,. Pari asks, did you ever lie to a close friend, and feel guilt about it,. kalindi recalls planning with Madan to marry him on her marriage day with Angad,. She coughs,. Angad goes to bring water,. 

Pari asks, shall I tell him that you are going to get married to Madan and not Angad,. Minty and Sakshi get worried when they couldn’t find Robin,. They go separate ways,. Sakshi hears Brahmarakshas sound and hugs Robin when he comes,. Minty comes there,. Robin tells, we shall leave,. Angad asks, Pari what she was saying? Pari jokes,. Minty comes back and tells that Sakshi felt brahmarakshas in the jungle,. Robin tells Minty that he likes brave girls,. They leave from the jungle,.

Kalindi is about to elope from her window, when Angad comes there and asks, if she is nervous,. He tells, he will marry her only,. Inteha song plays,. He picks her eye brow and keeps on her hand,. She blows on it,. 

He kisses on her hand and tells, I feel that I love you so much since childhood,. Kalindi tells, even me,. Angad tells, we both have done cheating, their eyes couldn’t identity each other, but their hearts identified each other and knew that they are Angad and Kalindi of childhood,. She asks, him to stop making her laugh and asks, him not to laugh much, as his pictures will not be good,. He tells, ok and goes,.

Pari comes there, dressed as the bride and asks, Kalindi to go and get him,. She asks, her to kill brahmarakshas and return to marry Angad,. She tells, I will handle everything here,. Kalindi elopes,. Pari comes to Shalini as the bride,. Shalini closes the door and windows and tells that Prithvi will get shocked,. She asks, her to change the clothes,. Pari tells that she acted infront of Kalindi and she thought that she has changed,.

 Shalini asks, what is she saying? Pari tells that she has to explain to her as her role is big,.

Pandit ji tells that mahurat for the marriage is now only and not after some time,. Angad tells that he is ready to marry now only, as he don’t trust Kalindi,. Prithvi gets tensed as Angad holds Pari’s hand and makes her sit in the mandap, thinking her to be Kalindi,.

Kalindi and Madan are seated for the marriage,. Madan asks, if she is ready,. Kalindi tells, she will kill brahmarakshas today and will start her new life with Angad,. Madan lights the havan fire and starts chanting the mantras,.

Kalindi thinks why did brahmarakshas haven’t come till now? Angad and Pari are seated for the marriage,. 

Madan tells Kalindi that Brahmarakshas is not coming here, so they shall start the rounds,. Kalindi tells, then our marriage will happen,. Madan tells, we have to bring that brahmarakshas here and have to make him believe that we are marrying for reality and asks, her to think about Angad,.

Pandit ji asks, Shalini to tie the ghat bandhan,. Shalini ties the ghat bandhan of Angad and Pari,. Madan ties the ghatbandhan and asks, her to get up,. Prithvi gets tensed,. Pandit ji asks, the Angad and the bride to keep hand on each other’s hand,. Madan takes Kalindi’s hand,. brahmarakshas is seen running in the jungle,. Angad sees Pari’s nail polish and understands that it is Pari,. He tells, you and your identity are both fake,. He gets up,. Damini and Shakti ask what happened? Angad tells, this girl is not Kalindi,. 

Damini tells, this is not the time for joke,. Pari tells, she is on the mandap,. Damini scolds her for sitting on the mandap on Kalindi’s place,. Shalini takes Pari’s side and tells that she trusts her daughter fully and if she is here, then Kalindi must be knowing everything,. She asks, where is Kalindi? Pari acts innocent and tells that she has promised Kalindi,. Angad asks, her to tell,. Pari tells that Kalindi asked her to sit on the mandap and she herself went to marry Madan,. Angad removes the turban and goes from there,. Kalindi stops while taking the rounds,. Madan asks, why did you stop? Kalindi tells, this marriage is wrong, as the rounds will be right,. Madan tells, we are getting married to call the devil, and tells, even you and your God knows that you have no feelings for me and asks, her not to stop this marriage and come forward,. Kalindi tells, I can’t make the God wrong, to call the devil,. 

Madan tells, we have to do this marriage and call the devil here,. Angad comes there and calls Kalindi,. Kalindi goes to him and asks, what are you doing here, and tells, this is all fake, I will explain,. Angad tells, here, you are getting married and saying this,. Madan tells, this marriage is fake,.

Angad slaps him and calls him fraud,. Kalindi asks, him to go and tells that everything will be ruined,. Angad tells, this is not your words, but other villian’s script who asked you to made me go,. Madan tells, yes, I asked her to marry me, but not real, so that brahmarakshas come here and stop the marriage,. He tells, if Kalindi marries someone then brahmarakshas will never get the powers for which he is yearning since years,. He tells, Kalindi didn’t want to risk your life and that’s why came here, so that after killing brahmarakshas, she can go back and marry you,. Angad tells, sorry to Kalindi and tells that he will not go leaving her alone here,. He tells, we will be together for births and will be with you always,. He holds her hands and tells that he will do what they shall do,. He takes her to mandap and ties the ghatbandhan,. Kalindi tells, brahmarakshas will come here,.

 Angad tells, Brahmarakshas shall get afraid of me as he can’t harm me,. Brahmarakshas is seen coming there,. Madan is standing and seeing their marriage,. He thinks don’t know when did love come in my heart for you and thinks he will complete their marriage, by going away from them,. He thinks today Devi Maa is with them,. He turns to go, when brahmarakshas attacks Madan,. Madan falls down, gets up and goes to face brahmarakshas again,.

Brahmarakshas throws him on the wall,. Kalindi asks, Angad to go and see Madan,. She tells, she will see Brahmarakshas,. She takes out the weapon from her clothes,. She makes the arrow fall on Brahmarakshas leg,. Brahmarakshas roars,. 

Kalindi walks towards brahmarakshas,. Madan asks, Kalindi to attack Brahmarakshas and kill him today, tells, today he is looking weak, make two pieces of his heart,. Kalindi tells, today is the kalratri, I am born to kill you and tells, you have to die,. She is about to hit him and tells, if she attacks Brahmarakshas, then the body of her family member will also be cut into pieces,. Brahmarakshas catches Kalindi and is about to leave holding her,. Madan attacks Brahmarakshas with the weapon,. 

Brahmarakshas drops kalindi from his hand,. Angad runs to catch Kalindi and catches her,. Madan dies,. Kalindi tells, Madan ji died with brahmarakshas,. Just then brahmarakshas comes out alive from the fire,. Kalindi and Angad look shocked,.    

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