Bigg Boss 28th January written episode update


Bigg Boss 28th January written episode update

Bigg Boss 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rakhi tells Nikki that I have one pain in life, Rubina,. Nikki tells, you have separated yourself from Abhi and Rubina, they really liked you,. Rakhi tells, I didn’t do anything, I just said some things,. Nikki tells, you say things that hurt them.   

Rahul asks, Nikki who will go this weekend? She tells, me,. Rahul tells, really? She tells, yes, I will lose a friend which hurts,. Our friendship was weak,. Rahul tells, why? Nikki tells, if we are nominating each other so our friendship is that weak, I take the blame for losing you,.

Vikas asks, Rakhi why she fought with Abhi? Rakhi tells, I really like him but Arshi and Nikki started filling his air that I am using him,. Vikas tells, what you felt bad about? Rakhi tells, I want to cry,. Vikas tells, if you really like him then you should know that he is married and you are married too,. Rakhi tells, Ritesh exists but he doesn’t exist for me,. Vikas tells, if it’s entertainment or serious feelings, I don’t know,. I talked to Abhi and he was fine with you joking with him,. You entertain people but Arshi and others poke you,. Rakhi tells, Nikki was telling me to talk to Rubina and Abhi as Arshi and Devo are trying to take my place,. Vikas tells, patch up with them,. Rakhi tells, help me,. I know Rubina is a Savitri for her husband,. I just want a small share of her husband,.

The lights of the house are going on and off,. They sees a board in the garden,.

 Rubina tells, what is happening? Bigg Boss asks, everyone to come in the garden,.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that time never stops but it stops for some people and they get stuck in a time-loop,. Whatever you do in the time-loop, you keep repeating it,. If you repeat the tasks, in the time-loop then you will win the task and earn the necessities of the house,. The person who breaks the time-loop will remain a part of the task but they will not earn the rewards,. When the tape music plays, it means you are stuck in the time-loop,. We have written the tasks, for each inmate on the board for the time-loop,. Bigg Boss asks, Rubina to read the instructions of the task,.

Rubina reads the instructions of the task ‘time-loop’,. The morning slot written on the board will be first, then the afternoon slot will follow,. Then they will follow the evening,. They will be in the loop of one slot till the tape music plays and the lights flick,. Then you will tell which inmate got out of the loop, that inmate will become the time-king/queen who will choose the next failing inmate,. The king or queen will get the golden stick,. The inmates have to complete their activities in the time-loop and stop the others from completing theirs,. The inmates chosen by the time-king/queen will not win the task but they can stop others from winning the task,. 

The people remaining in the task at the end will become winners,. The first time-loop will be about completing their activities and not stop others from doing their tasks, so the audience understands their activities,.

Morning slot: When the lights flicker, all inmates will go to their bed,. Arshi, Nikki, Rakhi, Rubina, Rahul and Devo will dance when a song plays and they will keep dancing while all others remain in their beds,.

Afternoon slot: Rahul will make tea for Aly, Vikas and Abhi,. Nikki will say no Rahul and ask him to make cold coffee for her,. Abhi will go for sunbathing, Rakhi will go and apply oil to his body,. Arshi will comment on them,. Rubina will be drying the clothes but will get distracted by Abhi and fall in the pool,. All laugh,. Aly will jump in the pool to save Rubina,.

Evening slot: Rubina will take a bath, Vikas-Rakhi will do Rakhi’s makeup,. Then Rakhi will go behind Abhi,. Then Aly will go for a bath and go to his bed,. Rahul will steal the coffee and make it for Nikki,. 

Nikki will clean the living area, Arshi will clean the luggage area,.

Rubina tells, we have to keep repeating these activities,. We can’t sit in the time-loop,.

Rubina tells Aly that I have a water phobia,. Aly tells, I will get you when you jump,. Rubina tells, I am scared to jump,.

Arshi tells Rahul that we should take Nikki out or should I become a queen? Rahul tells, don’t sacrifice, play for it,.

Nikki asks, Rubina to give her coffee,. Rubina gives it to her,. Nikki thanks her and gives it to Rahul,. She asks, him to use a small amount of it,. Rubina tells, Rahul has to steal it, you can’t give it to him,. Nikki asks, Rahul to look away,. She puts it in a container and tells, you won’t be able to find it,.

Abhi tells Arshi that this task is not about fighting,. If you are cleaning the luggage area and someone hides a broom then you can’t,.

Nikki tells, we have to wake them up from beds,.

Arshi goes and hides the broom in the luggage area,.

Abhi tells Rubina that I will hide the oil so she won’t be able to find it,. Rubina tells, you can tell her no,. Abhi tells, she won’t listen,.

Rahul asks, Vikas if he will stop him? Vikas tells, no, I will help you,. Rahul tells, I will hide the items for tea,.

 Vikas asks, him to make kehva right now only,.

Rubina tells Aly that doesn’t play against me,. Aly tells, no,.

Rakhi tells Abhi to not tell about her coffee,. Abhi asks, for a hairpin,. Abhi locks her luggage and gives her the code 300,. Rakhi tells, let’s enjoy the task, I have nothing personal against you, you are a good friend and a good human being,.

Rahul tells Nikki that I can stop Abhi in the second round,. Rubina hears it,. Nikki smiles,.

Rubina tells Abhi that Nikki-Rahul will try to break your cycle,. Abhi tells, Nikki is playing with him? Rubina tells, she will play from Rahul’s side,.

Abhi takes the oil and hides it in a cupboard,.

Rahul tells Nikki that someone has hidden a broom for your living room,. Nikki tells, you know that? Tell me,. Rahul tells, I am helping you,. Nikki tells, fine then, don’t tell if you want to play,. Rahul tells, I am helping you, I can’t tell who did it,. Nikki tells, don’t do this, tell me,. I gave you the coffee, this is so wrong,.

Abhi tells Rubina that I don’t trust Rakhi right now,. She has said so many bad words for me so I don’t understand her oiling my shoulder,. 

Nikki comes there and tells Rubina that Rahul told me someone has hidden my broom but he didn’t tell me who did it and where,. He didn’t tell me,. Rubina tells, then don’t play along,. Nikki tells, let’s hide the coffee somewhere else,. She gives the coffee to Rubina,. Rubina hides it and tells, Arshi must have taken the broom,. Nikki asks, her to hide the coffee somewhere safe,.

Arshi tells Abhi that I can leave the task and become a queen,. Abhi tells, a sensible person should become a queen or kind,.

The music plays and the lights flicker,. They start the morning slot task,. All lie down like sleeping,. turk turk tana na plays,. Rubina, Rakhi, Nikki, Devo and Rubina start dancing,. Abhi dances with them,. Arshi claps for him,. Rubina asks, Abhi why he is waking up? You have to sleep,. Arshi tells, Abhi became a king,. He deliberately started dancing,. Rahul tells, he is just a useless person,. Arshi tells, no, he didn’t want to do the oil activity with Rakhi,. Rahul tells, really? Arshi tells, yes,. The music ends,.

Rahul asks, who wants to have tea? They all agree but Nikki tells, no,. Rakhi tells Abhi that you danced with us,. Abhi tells, really? Nikki tells, we won’t let him make tea,. Devo tells, I want Rahul to make the tea,. Nikki asks, Abhi to wake up,. Rahul is trying to make tea but Nikki is stopping him,. Devo helps Rahul,. Rahul tells Nikki that I helped you,. Nikkis tells, half-way, you do this with me every time,. 

Rahul tells, you will cheat me now? He gives the pan to her and tells, I won’t make tea,. Nikki tells, I gave the coffee to you without even thinking,. You just want to win,. Rahul tells, you care about the name or the broom? Nikki tells, I want to know the name who took the broom,. Rahul tells, I was helping you,. Rahul tells, you are an idiot, I helped you,. I shouldn’t have told you about the broom and you wouldn’t know it,.

Abhi tells, I was sleeping,. Arshi tells, you came and danced with us,. Rakhi asks, Arshi to not disturb Abhi,. Arshi tells, he is my friend,.

Nikki tells Rubina that he said that he is helping me by telling me about the broom,. He can’t tell me the name as she is his friend too,. She takes the coffee from Rubina,.

Abhi is sunbathing,. Rakhi goes to him and gives him a back massage with oil,. Arshi tells, she is not a trustworthy girl,. Who is she? Abhi tells, you both are my friends,. Arshi tells, she doesn’t deserve your friendship,. Arshi takes the oil from Rakhi,.

Rahul makes tea for everyone,. Rubina leaves from there,. Nikki tells, I am a coffee person,. Vikas tells, we don’t have coffee,.

Arshi tells Abhi that Rakhi knew I was flirting with you so she trapped you,. Rakhi tells, I am just a friend of Abhi,. I want to take a romantic angle, I can do something for entertainment,.

Nikki tells Rahul that if Rubina had hidden something then I would have told you about it because you are my friend before her,. 

Rahul tells, did I help you? Nikki tells, yes but I can clean without the broom also,. Rahul tells, then I shouldn’t have told you,. Nikki tells, but I was your friend first,. Rahul tells, that’s not how you think, I was helping you and you have to understand,. Nikki cries and tells, I have to understand always? I gave you the coffee too,. She goes and cries in a corner,. Rahul asks, why do you do this for me? If I didn’t want to help you then why would I tell you? Nikki tells, I was fine when I was not talking to you,.

Arshi asks, Rakhi to stop massaging him,. Rakhi tells, just let me apply oil on his abs,. Rubina comes near the pool and acts like getting distracted by Abhi,. Abhinav laughs,. Rubina goes near the edge and falls in the pool,. Aly jumps behind her and saves her,. Rakhi asks, what happened? Devo asks, if she is fine? Vikas helps Rubina out of the pool,. Abhi runs away from Rakhi,. Rakhi tells, I have to massage him,.

Nikki cries and tells Rahul that I was happy when I was not talking to him,. This happens,. Rahul tells, you are over-reacting, I told you because I wanted to help you,. I could have lied to you,. Nikki tells, it’s fine, I am sorry,. Rahul tells, I don’t believe this, I was just helping you,. 

Nikki tells, I am always at fault,. She leaves from there,.

Nikki comes to Aly,. Aly tells, I helped my sister,.

Vikas helps Rakhi with her makeup,. Rakhi tells, I don’t want to do it,. She goes behind Abhinav,.

Devo asks, Rakhi to make Abhi’s tattoo her body,. Rakhi tells, yes,. Devo writes Abhi’s name on her neck,.

Vikas tells Nikki to not cry, he was helping her,. Nikki tells, Rahul wants to play with everyone,. Vikas tells, he was telling you,. Nikki tells, then I told him that coffee is in the luggage room, he can find it,.

Rubina is in shock,. Nikki asks, what happened? Rubina tells, I just got scared of the water,.

Abhi tells Rakhi that she shouldn’t have written his name on her body,. Rakhi tells, you know that I am your friend, don’t listen to Arshi,. Abhi tells, you shouldn’t have said bad words to me,. Rakhi tells, I was jealous, I am sorry,. Abhi tells, you are a mature person so don’t act childish,.

Nikki tells Rahul that he wants to play in a group always,. Rahul tells, you want to help me or not? Nikki points to the place where coffee is,. Rahul thanks and hugs her,.

 Rahul takes the coffee,. Nikki screams he is stealing coffee,. Nikki tells, I want coffee,.

Rakhi asks, Rubina if she fell in the pool because of her? Rubina tells, when I saw Abhi, I just got distracted,.

Rahul makes cold coffee for Nikki,. Nikki tells, you stole my coffee,.

Rakhi tells Rubina and Abhi that I pray for you both,.

Arshi takes the broom from the luggage area,. Vikas tells, who does it? What else is up there? Arshi starts cleaning the luggage area,. She tells, I can’t do it, it’s very dirty,. Nikki tells, why? Do it,. Arshi tells, I don’t want to,. Nikki tells, she just wants to become a queen,. Vikas tells, don’t do it, go and do your duty,. Arshi tells, I can’t clean it anymore,. Rahul tells, she wants to leave the task?

Rakhi asks, Rubina what she did to get Abhi? Rubina tells, nothing,.

Arshi tells, fine, I will do it,. She starts cleaning the luggage area,. The lights flicker and the round ends,.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that in the first time-loop, Abhinav deliberately did a mistake so he is out of the winning race for this task and becomes the time king,. Bigg Boss asks, him to remove his photo from the board and take the stick,. Abhi tells, I was sleepwalking,.

Rubina tells Abhi that you can destroy Rakhi’s game,. If you don’t sunbathe then Rakhi will be out of the task,.

Nikki and Rahul are leaving,. Arshi asks, where he is going? Nikki tells, she has a problem always,. She leaves,. Rahul tells Arshi that she is a friend,. 

Arshi tells, really? Rahul tells, she has insulted me,. Arshi tells, she is above than me? Rahul tells, no, she is equal to you,.

The lights flicker and the slot starts again,. They all go to lie down,. Turk turk song plays, Rakhi, Rahul, Nikki, Devo and Arshi dance to it,. they ask everyone to wake up,. Rahul asks, who wants tea? Nikki tells, I want cold coffee,.

Rakhi comes to Abhi and asks, what he is doing? Abhi tells, I came to sunbathe,. Rakhi tells, I will apply oil to you,. She looks around for it,. Abhi tells, I will go and find it,. Rakhi tells, I will bring it, you should stay here,. She leaves from there,.

Rakhi tells, they want me to not complete my task,. She finds the oil in the washroom area and goes to Abhi,. She asks, Abhi to lie down, I will massage you,. Abhi tells, I am the king and can do anything,. Abhinav lies down,. He asks, her to massage his legs,. Arshi tells, I liked Abhi also,. Rubina goes and falls in the pool again,. Aly jumps and saves her again,.

Rahul tells Nikki that if I don’t talk to you then you taunt too,. Nikki tells, Arshi was taunting you also because of me, I don’t want that,. Rahul tells, don’t act like a noble person,.

Rahul tells Arshi that relationships change here all the time,. Arshi tells, so you think our friendship will end ? 

Rahul tells, you are insecure, not me, you want validation of the friendship every day,.

Nikki tells Abhi that Arshi taunts Rahul when he talks to me,. She is so jealous of me,.

Rakhi comes to Abhi and lies beside him,. Arshi tells, Abhi gives attention to Rakhi,.

Aly tells, I am going to sleep,. He asks, Nikki to clean the living room,.

Rahul comes to Rakhi and asks, how is she? She tells, great,. Rahul pulls on Rakhi and takes her away from Abhi,. Rakhi tells, don’t take me away from my Abhi,.

Vikas tells Arshi to clean the luggage area before lights flicker,. Arshi tells, I am tired right now,.

Abhi tells Rakhi that she eats her brain a lot,. Rubina comes there,.

Arshi is cleaning the luggage room,. Vikas comes there,. Arshi tells, you don’t have to order me around,.

Rakhi is running behind Abhi,. He runs away from her,. Rakhi tells, I will always run behind you,.

Rahul makes cold coffee for Nikki,. Nikki brags about it,.

Nikki is cleaning the living room,. Arshi cleans the luggage area,.

Bigg Boss asks, Abhi which inmate did the most mistakes in this round and out of the winning race? Abhi tells, Rakhi did the most mistakes,. She didn’t have oil first, it was not her fault but someone stole it,. Rakhi is out of the race,.

Rakhi asks, Abhi why he targeted her? Abhi tells, no it was the game,. Rakhi tells, you have picked a fight with me so I will end it,. I was doing my task,. You didn’t even look at others,. Abhi tells, if I left then you wouldn’t have completed your task,. 

Rakhi tells, you think you can separate me from you? Abhi tells, I was doing my task,. Rakhi tells, I will not leave you even out of the house,.

Arshi asks, Rubina if I have any demand from you? That you will favor me? Rubina tells, never,. Abhi tells, I don’t favor anyone in this house,. Arshi tells, did I ask you for any favor ever? Arshi tells, never,. Rubina tells, I wouldn’t sit with you if you asked me ever,. Rakhi tells, wow what a game,. Abhi doesn’t give certificates to people,. Arshi tells, I ask him all the time,. Rakhi tells, I wouldn’t be out of the task if it was not Abhi,. Abhi tells, I am not childish to take revenge on Rakhi because she didn’t choose me yesterday,.

The lights flicker,. They all go to sleep,. Turk turk song plays, Arshi, Rahul, Rubina, Nikki and Rakhi start dancing,. Rahul asks, who wants tea? Nikki tells, I want cold coffee,. Arshi asks, Abhi what he wants in dessert? Rubina hints at Abhi,.

Rakhi is walking behind Abhi,. Abhi tells, someone will get eliminated from the task because of you,. Rakhi tells, I will follow you like a shadow,.

Arshi tells Rahul that I am not batting from both sides,. Rahul tells, remember this,.

Rakhi massages Abhi’s back,. Rubina asks, them to go and check others, there is no need for this now,. Arshi asks, why Rakhi is massaging him always? Rakhi charges at Arshi,. They both fall down and act like fighting over Abhi,. Abhi laughs,. Arshi tells, Abhi is mine, don’t touch him,. Rubina goes near the pool and falls down,. Aly jumps and helps her,. Rakhi is holding Abhi’s leg,.

Rahul slaps Nikki’s thigh,. Nikki laughs and tells, it hurts,. Rahul tells, it was a small pat,. Nikki tells, I was not ready,.

Rakhi asks, Vikas who had hidden my oil? Vikas tells, I don’t know,. Vikas and Devo do her makeup,. Vikas kisses her cheek,.

Vikas tells Arshi to go and clean the luggage area,. 

Arshi tells, my foot is hurting, I won’t do it,.

Nikki asks, Rahul to give coffee to her,. Rubina tells, Rakhi should do her task,. Rahul acts like taking Rakhi away from Abhi,. He does it by imagination,. Rubina laughs,.

Arshi goes to clean the luggage area but Vikas comes behind her,.

Rahul takes the coffee,. Nikki helps him but tells, he is stealing,.

Arshi tells, I am not cleaning the luggage area,. Arshi goes to Rahul and tells, I want coffee too,. Rakhi tells, they are such bad actors,. Abhi keeps an eye on them,.

Rubina asks, Arshi to keep an eye on Vikas, he is trying to break your continuity,. Arshi cleans the luggage area,. She comes to Arshi and tells, I have done my continuity,. Nikki tells, I will go and clean the living area,. The lights flicker,. Arshi tells, my activity is last but Nikki didn’t clean the living room before it,. Nikki asks, who are you to tell me? Arshi tells, don’t talk to me like that, do your work,. Nikki tells, I was drinking my coffee,. Arshi tells, we don’t care, you had to do your activity,. Nikki asks, her to shut up, you are Rakhi Sawant copy, you didn’t even win your season,. Arshi tells, you are so immature, saying nonsense things,. Nikki tells, you just lick others,. Arshi asks, her to shut up,. Devo tells Arshi that Rahul had to make cold coffee first and then Nikki had to clean the living area and you had to clean the luggage,. You did your work and she didn’t so it’s her fault,.

 Arshi tells, I followed my continuity,.

Bigg Boss asks, Abhi which two inmates should be out of the race now? Abhi tells, many people did mistakes in this round,. I want to take out Devo because Rakhi fooled her,. I want to eliminate Rahul because he didn’t follow the same steps as before when making the tea,. Rahul tells, he is so unfair, such a weak king,. Rakhi tells, Abhi was wrong,. Nikki tells, Rakhi broke Devo’s continuity,.

Rahul tells Abhi that you were totally wrong,. Aly asks, Nikki to coordinate with Arshi,. He asks, Arshi to not irritate him,. Arshi glares at him,. Aly tells, why are you showing attitude to me? Take this somewhere else,. Rakhi asks, them to calm down,. Aly tells Arshi that I respect and love you but don’t show me attitude,.

Abhi tells Nikki that you didn’t do a mistake,. You followed the continuity,.

Arshi tells, these people are not listening,. Rakhi tells, only two people will remain in the task, Nikki and Rubina,. Rahul tells, now you understand who is playing from both sides? Rakhi tells, there was no fault of Devo,.

Rakhi tells, I want the task to get rejected and they all sleep in the lounge,. They can’t sleep in the bedroom,. I can sleep with Abhi anywhere but his wife will not leave him,.

Rahul tells Aly that Abhi just sees me,. Aly tells, I didn’t even remember the steps,. Rahul tells, he is such a nalla king,. He just wanted to target me,. He spared Nikki when she didn’t even do her activity,.

Rakhi tells Abhi that I won’t spare you, I am in love with you,. Abhi tells, enough now,. Rakhi tells, it’s my entertainment,. Abhi tells, to focus on Rahul,. Rakhi tells, Aly, Vikas and Rahul are my brothers,. Abhi sighs and leaves from there,. Rakhi tells, my woman has woken up,.

Rahul tells Abhi that I didn’t want to waste the tea,. Rubina laughs and tells, you had to continue your action,. Rahul tells, I saved tea,. Abhi tells, I will get one item from BB Mall so I will give it to you,. Rakhi tells, he is a useless king,.   

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