Bigg Boss 26th January written episode update


Bigg Boss 26th January written episode update

Bigg Boss 26th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rakhi tells, my love affair is now gone,. I have to worry about my items now,.

Bigg Boss asks, the inmates to take everything they can in 5 minutes from the bedroom area and then it will be locked,. They all run to get their teams and take them to the living room,. Vikas takes his mattress,. Rahul takes his mattress too,. Nikki tells, someone should take my mattress,. Vikas helps Devo in taking her mattress,. Abhi takes some mattresses out too,. Nikki helps Aly in taking out the mattress,. The buzzer plays and they all come out of the bedroom,. Nikki tells, some items are left in the bedroom,. Rubina tells, leave it now,.

Arshi tells Vikas that you shouldn’t dig holes for others,. Vikas you plotted against me but the public is watching everything,. The person did plotting against me but it was cleared that he was in a relationship,. Arshi tells, take his name and talk about it,. Vikas tells, he was ****** and you had sent me to call recordings of him and Shilpa,. You fooled me and sold everyone’s recordings,.

 Arshi tells, you asked for your mother’s recording too,. Vikas tells, I got to know that you are playing a game with me,. You have cornered me so much,. Rakhi tells, you are capable to answer her,. He tells Arshi that I didn’t talk about you blackmailing me,. My mom and you people are blackmailed, I don’t care about anything now,. You blamed me for MeToo also,.

Arshi tells Abhi that my father talked to Vikas and made me patch with him,. Vikas kept forcing me to talk to his mother,. I talked to her and I felt she was right, I told Vikas to not treat her like that,. He gets irritated when I talk about my mind,. He has gone crazy, he is calling me a blackmailer,.

Rahul sings while Rakhi listens to him,.

Vikas tells Abhi and Rubina that I will talk about everything now,. O came to this season not to win,. Arshi tells, you wanted to win before,. Vikas tells, but the important thing is that I play for myself,. You think can you tease me about my ex-boyfriend,. Abhi tells, don’t talk about the outside matters,. Vikas tells, I was not talking about all of those things before because of my family but they don’t care, they have done everything to malign my respect so I don’t care,. I don’t care what Arshi has done,. There will be implications of all that,. Abhi tells Vikas that this si a sensitive matter so don’t talk about it,. Vikas tells, she brought up my mother earlier,. My sister gave a message to me to take all the blame on myself and not malign the family’s respect,. If they don’t care about me then why should I care about my mom and brother? Aly tells, but she is your mom, leave it,.

 Vikas tells, my mom has said that if we talk directly against Vikas then she wouldn’t get my property after I die,. He tells Arshi that you blackmailed me, I will file a case against you,. I forgave you earlier but I won’t anymore,. She tells, if I start talking about personal issues then it will be a problem,. She leaves,. Nikki tells, don’t talk about the personal things here,.

Devo tells Arshi that we don’t what your matter is with Vikas,.

Vikas tells Aly and others that Arshi was blackmailing me, I got so worried,. I had to lose my house and I told my mom that she can sell the family house and go back home,. I was penniless and I was handling my whole family so I asked them to move out,.

Vikas tells Abhi and Rubina that my family made sure that I don’t have a relationship so I can keep taking care of them and earn for them,. Because I am bis*xual so they thought I wouldn’t have a family and kids in life,.

Arshi tells Devo that I haven’t said a single word to him,. He is saying so much,.

Vikas cries and tells, should I have even talk about things? I really don’t want to stay here,. I don’t know what to do anymore,.

Devo tells, he is backbiting about his family here so much, he could have talked when he was outside the house, he is just here to backbite about his family,. Arshi tells, he was behind also,.

Arshi asks, Rubina that he is talking about his family here, should I talk about it too? Devo tells, don’t say anything,.

 Rubina tells, he is bringing up his family,. Arshi tells, he talked about my family first, I can start talking about his family,. He used to talk to me for 3 hours on video calls and he is backbiting about his mother just to get attention,. I don’t want to say anything to him,.

Vikas cries and tells Aly that I have no friend in the industry as as people call me ******,. Nobody wants to associate with me,.

Arshi tells Devo that Salman asked me once if Aly and Rahul will keep her on priority? Today they proved that they won’t,. Rahul and Aly were sitting with Vikas today and hearing him out, giving him support,. Devo wipes her tears and tells, they care for you,. Arshi tells, they were ignoring me, they need me, I don’t need them,.

The inmates wake up to the song sikandar,. They all dance,. Vikas hugs Rakhi,.

Rubina asks, Arshi why you didn’t put leftover food in the fridge? Arshi tells, someone else could have done it,. Rubina tells, we have cleaned the platform with so much effort,. Arshi tells, other person can take care of it too,. Rubina tells, you should talk to Aly as he was helping you,.

Rakhi tells, they didn’t clean the dishes last night,. It was Abhi,. Nikki asks, her to call him,. 

Aly tells, Rakhi just talks behind the back,. Nikki tells, Aly didn’t put food inside the fridge too,.

Aly comes to Arshi and asks, if she is giving him an attitude,. Devo tells, she is showing attitude,. Aly tells, I slept early and they were taunting me that my friend Arshi didn’t clean the kitchen,. I will clean it from now on,. Arshi tells, you should go and sit with Vikas,. Aly tells, I didn’t say that you are a criminal,. I just heard him and left to sleep,.

Rakhi is making the lunch,. Rubina tells, I told you that I will cook the food,. Rakhi tells, everyone was hungry,. Rubina tells, that’s fine, you can do your duty, you don’t need to do my work,. She takes the food from her and tells, you do your duty on time and don’t care about mine,. Rakhi tells, I have my duty on time,. Rubina tells, lunch won’t be late if everyone does their own duty,. Rakhi tells, we do our duty,. Rubina tells Devo that I want you to speak for me also if we are cooking together,. Devo tells, when I came here, Rakhi was already cooking,. Rubina tells, we are coordinating in the kitchen so we should talk for each other,. This is not my style of cooking,.

 Rahul tells, but Rakhi was doing the work in good faith,. Rubina tells, if you want to change the duty then you can take my duty but don’t act like that I am not doing my duty,. Rakhi tells, I don’t have such small thinking, I was free so I thought to cook the lunch,. Rubina tells, you could have made the breakfast on time so I could cook lunch on time,. Abhi tells, I have washed the dishes three times from last night, why didn’t anyone show goodness at that time? Rubina tells, don’t show your goodness by doing other’s duties,. Rakhi tells, Rubina doesn’t let anyone talk,. Rubina asks, Rakhi if she will take her duty? Rakhi tells, why will I? Nikki tells, leave her, Rakhi doesn’t understand anything,. Rakhi was silent when we were dividing the duties,. Arshi tells, she wants to impress Abhi,. Rakhi tells, both sisters are talking over each other,. Rubina tells Rakhi that I respect and love you so don’t do all this,. If you want to do my duty then take it from me,. Rakhi tells, I am happy with my brother,. Rubina tells, then don’t interfere in my duty,. Rakhi tells, it’s not your kitchen, I can do anything I want,. Arshi tells, that’s wrong,. Rakhi tells, I started cooking, Nikki ran to her sister to tell her fastly,. Aly laughs,. Nikki tells, we can never trust Rakhi’s words,. 

Rubina tells, Rakhi made an issue of the duty when I didn’t want to enter their issues with Arshi and Vikas so she made tattoos on her body,. She is picking on things, I am genuinely concerned about her,. Rakhi tells, I get emotional when I see you work, you are my sister so I try to help you,.

Aly is eating food while walking,. Nikki asks, him to sit down,. Rubina tells, you didn’t clean the platform,. Aly tells, I have done my work,. Nikki taunts Rahul,. Rahul tells, I don’t want to answer her,. Nikki tells, I was not talking to you,. Rahul tells, don’t threaten me with outside matters, I don’t want to talk to you,. I was not talking to you,. Nikki tells, you look like a donkey,. Rakhi tells, Nikki can’t pass a day if she doesn’t backbite about people,. Rahul tells, she was threatening about screenshots before,. Nikki tells, you have said things that show that you don’t even respect your girlfriend,. She hates me so why are you talking about her? Vikas tells, don’t bring his girlfriend,. Nikki tells, I will talk about her,. Rahul tells, she is not here, I am requesting you that she is not in this game,. Nikki tells, the media told you that she doesn’t want you to talk to me, so don’t disrespect her,. Rahul nods,.

Rubina reads the task ‘College Rivalry’,. They will be college students,. Rubina tells, the red college will Rubina, Abhi, Nikki and Arshi,. 

The yellow colleague will have Aly, Rahul, Rakhi and Devo,. Rubina tells, Vikas will be the referee of the task,. All laugh,. Rubina tells, there will be two colleges and they have a rivalry,. They try to put each other down,. There is a common hangout zone,. Each student will get their cycles which they will run around in the garden,. You will try to burst the tires of the other team,. There is a cycle shop for each team where there is an air pump that the inmates can use once they have a punctured tire,. They can’t steal anything from the shop,. There is a cafe in the house when the buzzer plays, which means one team has to sit in the cafe,. They will have to leave their cycles and can’t protect them,. The first team red will go in the cafe and then team yellow will sit in the cafe in the next round,. The other team can’t steal their cycles,. At the end of the task, if any team has one intact cycle will win the task,. The winning team will able to use the prohibited areas of the house and they can get the items from the BB Mall,.

Abhi tells Nikki that be smart of the cycles,. I know everything so bring me the parts when I ask for it,.

Rakhi is sitting on her cycle,. Devo tells, I am a senior student so I will do your ragging,. 

Rakhi tells, my father sold everything to give me this cycle,. Arshi asks, them to shut up,.

Abhi tells Rubina that we can’t take the cycles in the cafe but we can destroy the pumps,. Vikas tells, you can’t steal the items but we can cut the gloves and other items from the shop,.

All inmates start running their cycles,. Rubina tells, I don’t know how to ride a cycle,.

Aly tells Rahul that they will break our cycles, we will start working on the repairs as soon as we come out of the cafe,.

Rubina tells Arshi that as soon as the buzzer plays, we will park our cycles before going into the cafe,.

The buzzer plays and the task starts,. Abhi tries to temper Rakhi’s cycle but she takes it away,. Aly grabs Nikki’s cycle,. She cries for it,. Rahul opens her tire screw,. Nikki attacks Aly’s cycle,. Aly tells, be careful, you might get hurt,. Nikki fights with Rahul on his cycle,. Rubina tells, what I have to do?

Nikki comes to Rakhi’s cycle but she runs away,.

Abhi stops Aly and grabs his cycle,. Aly blocks him,. Nikki burst Rakhi’s tires,. Rakhi attacks other team’s cycles,. Abhi and Aly are fighting over their cycles,. Arshi is fighting with Rahul and tells, I will get hurt,. Rahul asks, her to leave him then,. All cycles have burst tires,. Abhi tells, Rakhi is stealing the valves,. Rakhi tells, Rubina took them too,. 

Vikas takes the valves from her and tells, I will take them from Rubina also,. He asks, Rubina to give it to him,. Rubina tells, I didn’t steal it,. Vikas gives the valves back to Rakhi,.

Aly is attacking Abhi’s cycle,. Abhi asks, him to leave it,. Aly tells, you are fighting with gloves on,. Abhi tells, I am protecting my hands,. Rubina tries to stop Aly,. Abh tells, let him apply force,. Nikki comes to destroy Rahul’s cycle,. Rakhi pushes her away and tells, don’t touch my cycle,. Rakhi goes and starts breaking Nikki’s cycle,. Arshi starts breaking her cycle too,. Vikas asks, her to not break her cycle,. Arshi hugs her and tells, nalli,.

Nikki tells, let’s attack Rahul,. Rakhi tells, I will push you away so hard,. Nikki grabs Rahul’s hand,. Rakhi tells, he is my boyfriend, you can’t touch him,. Nikki tells, he is not your boyfriend,. Go back to your Abhi,.

Abhi tells Rubina that I don’t trust Arshi,. We can throw away the nuts of their cycles and they won’t be able to reassemble it,. Nikki tells, only I am fighting out of all the girls,. Arshi tells, you are a nalli,. Nikki tells, you are Rakhi’s copy,.

The buzzer plays and the red team has to go in the cafe,. Arshi and others take the items from the shop,. Rahul and Aly start breaking their cycles,. Vikas asks, them to not break the cycles,. Nikki tells, there is nothing to disassemble,. Vikas tells, Aly is doing it brilliantly,. You can use their tools,.

 Rahul tells, they took their items,. Aly asks, Vikas to not give the ideas to the other team,. Vikas tells, I will give ideas to everyone,.

The red team is enjoying the food in the cafe,. Abhi gives a cold drink to Nikki and Arshi,. Rubina asks, which team are you playing from? She tells, my team is red, I am playing from my team,. Nikki tells, me too,. Abhi tells, we can use their cycles’ parts to fix one cycle of our team,.

Vikas gives the nuts to Rakhi and asks, her to throw them in the pool, it will make the game interesting,. The buzzer plays and the time ends,. Vikas asks, them to come outside fast,. They are still working your cycles,.

Abhi and his team come to their shop and asks, them to leave their side,.

Abhi is working on assembling a cycle,. Abhi tells, can we use their parts? Vikas tells, use your mind,. Nobody can steal anything,. Aly goes and throws their tires in the pool,. Nikki takes his cycle,. Aly tells, you can’t throw my cycle inside the pool,. She tells, why not,. She throws his cycle in the pool,. Aly throws their cycles in the pool,. Vikas tells, you people are making a mistake, you will have to take their cycles out to break them,.

Aly tells Vikas that they are stealing the parts,. Vikas tells, you are throwing their cycles in the pool,. You can’t play like this,. Abhi asks, Aly to let him assemble the cycle,. Aly tells, you will get time when we go inside the cafe,.

Rahul takes Nikki’s cycle,. Nikki tries to take it from him,. Rakhi tells, they are both touching each other, you both have a love story going on,. Rahul tells, Rakhi is on another level,. 

Nikki tells, I won’t have a love story with pupplu,.

Rahul comes to attack Abhi’s cycle,. He grabs it from him and falls down,. Rubina tells, you will get hurt,. Rahul takes Abhi’s tire and throws it in the pool,. He gives another cycle to Aly,. Arshi tells, you are breaking my cycle,. Devo grabs Rahul and Rubina blocks him,. Rahul tells, Rubina ji? She tells, don’t come near me,.

Rubina enters the pool,. Vikas asks, her to go for it,.

Rahul tells Nikki that I won’t push you,. I can’t,. Abhi is trying to grab the items from Rubina from the pool,. Rakhi walks behind him,. Abhi tells, why are you running behind me? You are snatching everything from me which you don’t even need,. Rakhi tells, you don’t need to scold me, I will take anything I want,.

Rahul tries to takes Nikki’s cycle,. She protects it but he takes it away,. Abhi tells, don’t get hurt Nikki,. Abhi is running behind Devo but she hides the tools under her,. Nikki is fighting with Aly and Rahul,. Rahul tells, don’t do it, you will get hurt,. Nikki tells, I am doing my task,. She fights with Rahul,. Aly goes and takes the pump from the shop,.

Rahul fights with Abhi,. Abhi takes the items from him,.

Abhi goes into the pool and asks, Rubina to be near the pool all the time,. Rubina calls Nikki,. Abhi takes the items from the pool,. Aly goes to stop him,. He throws them back in the pool,.

Arshi is fighting with Rahul but he takes the tire tube from her,. Rubina asks, Rahul to not hurt her,. 

Rahul tells, she can move away, I am not doing anything, don’t over-react,. Arshi tells, I can get hurt, you can flirt with Nikki but not with me,.

The buzzer plays and it’s time for the yellow team to go into the cafe,. Aly takes the tools,. Devo and Rakhi take their rules,.

Abhi and his team start dissembling their cycles,.

Rahul tells his team that I have locked their box and I have the key,. They all eat the items from the cafe,.

Abhi tells, let’s take their intact cycle and use it to make our cycle,. They will never know,. Aly sees it and tells, they are stealing our cycles,. Vikas tells, they are putting everything in the pool, I am not letting anyone steal anything,. Aly tells, the winning team will have a functioning cycle,. Vikas tells, yes,. The buzzer and the yellow team come out of the cafe,.

Arshi hides some tools in her jacket,.

Aly and Rahul are protecting a cycle,. Nikki tries to attack it,. Abhi comes there and bursts the tire,. Aly tells, I can’t stop him, I will slip because there is water,. Abhi takes out the air from the cycle,. Rubina tells, you people started it,. They have thrown everything in the pool,. Nikki tells, I need a wrench,. She asks, Aly to give it to him,. Aly tells, this is outs,. Rahul breaks the air pump from his hands,. 

Abhi tells, you want to do all this then fine,. Rahul breaks his pump and asks, him to use it now,. Aly tells, let’s chill now,.

Vikas asks, Nikki to make one cycle,. Aly takes a tire from Abhi,.

Abhi tells Aly that you pulled on my arm,. Aly tells, I was taking the tire,. Vikas asks, Aly to use this tire if it’s alright,. Aly tells, it’s not,. Abhi shouts at Aly that you were pulling me hard,. Aly tells, so what? I am playing my task,. Abhi asks, him to win now,. Aly tells, we are getting hurt too,.

Abhi goes and starts breaking Aly’s cycle,. Aly tries to stop him,. Rakhi protects it too,. Nikki tells, leave it Rakhi,. Abhi takes the items from the pool,.    

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