Bigg Boss 25th January written episode update


Bigg Boss 25th January written episode update

Bigg Boss 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with The inmates wake up to the song ankhiyon se goli marey,. They all dance,. Rakhi dances with Abhi, Rubina joins them,.

Rakhi talks to herself and asks, God to bring entertainment out of her,. Give me strength, everyone loves me and I like it,. Abhi changes every Saturday, his wife filled his ear,. God, please make my face pretty so Abhi just sees me,.

Rahul asks, if everyone is okay with Devo and Rubina cooking lunch? they all nod,. Rahul tells, Rakhi and Abhi can cook breakfast,. Nikki tells, no I want to cook breakfast, Rakhi can wash the dishes,. Rahul tells, you can’t order others around,. Rakhi tells, I can cook with Nikki or I can cook with Abhi, she asks, Rahul to not order her around,. Rahul asks, Rubina and Devo if they can wash dinner dishes? they say no,. Rakhi tells, I can wash the dishes with Abhi, Rubina tells, you can’t get a choice in this,. Rahul asks, her to think about the work and not her love story,. Arshi tells, she can’t decide for herself,. 

Rahul asks, Abhi if he can wash the dishes in dinnertime? Abhi tells, I will wash the lunchtime dishes,. Arshi tells, I can wash dinnertime dishes,. Abhi tells, I am okay with dinnertime dishes too,. Rubina tells, I can wash lunchtime dishes with Devo,. Arshi tells, Rakhi is being crazy,. Rakhi tells, I will wash the dinnertime dishes with Abhi,. Abhi asks, Rakhi to not create a problem,. Rakhi tells, I am not a problem,. Rahul tells, she is bringing her love drama in all this,. Rubina tells, Arshi can wash the dinnertime dishes,. Rakhi tells, it’s okay Rubina, I will wash the dishes with Vikas,.

Rakhi tells, they all succeeded in separating me from Abhi,. Abhi tells, we can wash the dishes together some other time,. Rakhi tells, your wife won’t be able to sleep peacefully then,. Rubina asks, Rakhi to not comment like that,. Rakhi tells, it was fixed that I will wash the dishes with Abhi but you asked me to change it,. You shouldn’t give me solutions,. Rubina tells, if you think that you can find entertainment in dishes then you don’t need anyone else,.

 Rakhi tells, I can find entertainment even in mopping so don’t tell me,. You didn’t tell anything to Arshi because you are scared of her,. Arshi tells, Rubina sleeps peacefully so you don’t worry about her,. Rakhi tells, you should shut your mouth, she is Abhi’s wife and not you,. Nikki tells, Rakhi backbites about Rubina and Abhi, now she is openly saying things,. Arshi tells, Rubina supported Rakhi the most,. Rakhi tells Arshi that you won’t succeed in provoking us against each other, you are nothing,. Arshi asks, her to have some shame,.

Rubina tells Abhi that Rakhi is too much sometimes,. Abhi tells, she won’t understand so leave it,. Rubina tells, she should respect that I respect her,.

Arshi tells, that I don’t like unthankful people,. Rakhi tells, wh are you to say all that? Arshi tells, you are a nalli and an aunt,. Rakhi tells, you are an aunt, I know everything about you,. Arshi tells, my parents don’t know but she knows,. Rakhi tells, I know what kind of things you do in Mumbai,.

Arshi asks, Vikas to get married soon this year,. Vikas tells, I will be in the USA after this for a project,. Arshi tells, best of luck for that,. Vikas tells, I pray that you start being nice to people and you get peace for yourself,. 

Rahul asks, Arshi what she thinks about that? Arshi tells, I don’t give a place to everyone in my heart but I can feel the pain of others,. You know that mothers feel pain for the kids the most,. Vikas tells, you keep bringing a mother up,. Arshi tells, I was talking to my soft toy,. Vikas tells, think about what parents think when they hear you saying all that,. Arshi tells, you didn’t reflect when you pushed me in the pool? I have taken care of you in the lockdown too,. Vikas tells, you gave my mother’s voice notes to me, that was your way of taking care? Arshi tells, you keep bringing up your mother,.

Rakhi tells Abhi that I am missing you, I wanted to wash the dishes with you,. She cries but Abhi is sunbathing and ignores her,. Rakhi wipes her tears and tells, the dishes was the only way to reach you, I liked making lunch with you too,. Abhi tells, I am still here,.

 Rakhi tells, people like humans that use perfumes,. Abhi tells, this is becoming boring now,. Rakhi tells, someone is taking your wife on your side,.

Rakhi tells Nikki that I will come near Abhi,. She tells Rubina that I wanted to spend time with Abhi,. Rubina tells, why would he work extra just so you can work with him? Rakhi tells, you can shift Arshi’s duty with Vikas and then I will work with Abhi,. Rubina tells, Vikas doesn’t agree with working with Arshi,. I was solving the problem for your brother,. Rakhi tells, don’t scold me,. Rubina tells, you started talking in this tone,. Nikki tells, we respect you,. Rubina tells, she doesn’t understand, I was genuinely concerned for you but you keep talking behind my back,. Rakhi tells, I will keep respecting you so don’t worry,.

Rakhi comes out of the washroom and she has Abhi written all over her body with lipstick,. All look on,. Rakhi tells, I don’t care about the duties,.

Arshi tells Rubina that she has written Abhi’s name on her body, she is so cheap,.

Rakhi tells Abhi that love can’t be hidden by anyone,.

Vikas tells, Rakhi can think of entertainment like no one here,. This is funny for the audience,.

Rakhi tells Arshi that if you give me dinnertime duty with Abhi then I will give Ritesh to you,.

Abhi comes to Rubina and tells, have you seen her now? Rubina tells, yes, don’t encourage her now,. Don’t laugh with her as she can cross her limit as she did with Rahul M,. You have to take her seriously now,.

Abhi comes near Rakhi,. Rakhi tells, don’t laugh, I know you are happy to see me,. Rakhi asks, what he is feeling? Abhi tells, nothing,. Arshi tells, you are making Abhi-Rubina go away from you, they really love you so don’t irritate them,. Rakhi tells, I love Abhi,. Arshi tells, this is cheapness,.

Vikas writes his name on Rakhi’s forehead,. Rakhi tells, he never goes against his wife, she doesn’t want him to talk to me,. Vikas laughs,. 

Rakhi tells, I won’t get love like this, I will have to snatch it,.

Rakhi asks, Abhi if anyone has done this for him? Did someone love you like this? Abhi tells, yes, it’s Aly,. Aly tells, yes,. Rakhi tells, Aly is insulting me,.

Rubina tells Vikas that this is cheap entertainment so don’t encourage her,. Vikas tells, she was planning this before,. Rubina tells, you have to tell her that she is looking like a villain,. She did this because we didn’t give her duty with Abhi,.

Rakhi asks, Aly to not interfere with her love affair, you are jealous of my love,.

Vikas comes to Rakhi and tells, they are thinking you are doing this for duty so clear it out,. Rakhi tells, this is my body and I can do anything,.

Vikas tells Rubina that she planned this yesterday only,. Nikki tells, but you encouraged her,. Vikas tells, I wrote my name on her forehead so it’s doesn’t look odd,. Rubina tells, she shouldn’t have given the reason that she is doing this because we didn’t her duty,. She is contradicting herself, I don’t care if she gets a permanent tattoo of my husband, I am just concerned for her,. Arshi tells, Vikas helped her so he can be seen on the TV,. 

Vikas asks, Arshi to not be jealous of Rakhi,. Arshi laughs at him and tells, the media told him where he is in the house now,. Rakhi comes there and tells, Vikas Gupta is everywhere,. Arshi tells, he cries to get some footage,. Vikas tells, you can just copy Rakhi but you can never be her,.

Rakhi is standing outside Abhi’s bathroom,. He comes out after taking a shower,. She follows him while he is in his shorts,. He tells Rakhi that this is not entertainment, this is craziness,. Rakhi tells, you will not decide that,. Abhi tells, this looks like a crazy move to me,. Rakhi tells, I don’t think so,. She keeps following him,. Rubina ignores her,.

Abhi asks, Rakhi to not do all this,. Rakhi tells, I am not crazy,. Abhi tells, no one is laughing at this, it’s not entertaining for you,. Rakhi tells, this is my style,. Abhi tells, if you don’t want to listen then don’t,.

Nikki tells Rubina that Abhi is very irritated,. 

Rubina tells, she is not respecting him,.

Arshi tells Vikas that if you call me wannabe Rakhi then I will call you wannabe *****,. Vikas tells, he is not in the show and you are dragging him here? You can never match Rakhi’s level, she is a big personality,. Vikas tells Rakhi to not come in front of Arshi, she gets jealous, she is from a different place,. Arshi asks, him to get lost,. You are a cheap man,. Stop doing cheap acts, you are a nalla,. Vikas tells, don’t be jealous,.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that it’s time for the nominations,. Some inmates will get nominated today but you will end up losing some areas of the house,. We stopped you from discussing the nominations before but today we are giving you a chance to plan the nominations,. There is a board where house areas are written, you will assign each area to the inmates,. The person nominated means you will not be able to use that area of the house which was assigned on their names,. You have to mutually decide which area should be assigned to which inmate,. You will discuss the areas assigning only, you won’t discuss the nominations,. He asks, Rubina to read which areas are written on the board,. 

 Rubina reads the areas:

Bedroom, block 1 (one bathroom and a toilet), block 2 (one bathroom, a toilet), SPA, gym, luggage, kitchen, dining, smoking,.

Bigg Boss asks, them to assign the areas,. Vikas tells, we have to mutually decide the areas,. Rubina tells, we have to think about which area we can give up,. Vikas tells, I want kitchen so I can’t be nominated,. Rahul tells, if someone wants to nominate you then they will,. No one agrees to give the kitchen area to Vikas,. Abhi takes Vikas aside and tells, give any area to Rakhi but make her promise that she will vote for you,. Vikas tells, yes, she will,. We will have to play together,. Vikas tells Rubina that we will vote in a team,. Aly asks, what team? He tells, Rubina, Rakhi, Nikki, Rubina and I are a group,. Nikki tells, I am not a part of any team,. Aly tells, I will nominate anyone I want to, I don’t care about the areas,. Vikas tells, I am okay with giving the bedroom to Nikki,. Abhi asks, Nikki if she will vote for them? She agrees,. They vote for Nikki and give her the bedroom,. Vikas asks, Rubina if she wants a kitchen? Aly asks, who is he to decide all that? Abhi tells, you can decide too,. Aly tells, I want the kitchen,. Nikki tells, I am okay with that,. Vikas asks, Nikki if she is voting for him? Abhi tells, you can’t count Aly’s vote for himself,. Rahul tells, why? Aly tells, Rubina is voting for me too,. Rubina tells, yes,.

 Abhi tells, I want the luggage room, Rubina tells, we can reshuffle the places,. Vikas tells, I wanted the kitchen first,. Nikki tells, the majority was not with you,. Vikas asks, Rubina,. She doesn’t answer,. Vikas tells, I am not voting for Nikki then,. Aly tells, I am voting for Nikki to give the bedroom to her,. Rubina tells, I want to vote for Abhi to get luggage,. Abhi asks, what is his problem? Vikas tells, I voted for Nikki so she can play from outside,. Nikki tells, I never promised that,. Abhi tells, she will not understand,. Nikki asks, Abhi to not fly on Vikas’s words,. Abhi shouts at her that she promised to play from his side,. Rahul tells, I want luggage too,. Arshi tells, I will vote for Rahul,. Arshi tells, we can play for block 1 Rahul,. He tells, no,. Arshi tells, I want to block 1, Vikas tells, I want to block 2,. Rubina tells, done for both,. Arshi tells, Rahul asked for block 1 first,. Vikas asks, Nikki to vote for him,. Aly asks, Nikki to play her game,. Niki tells, I don’t have a bond with Rahul and Vikas,. Aly asks, her to not fall under the pressure,. Nikki tells, what is the profit in saving Rahul? You nominated me against Arshi,. Aly asks, her to think about the house,. Devo tells Nikki that Vikas will save Rakhi and not you,. Nikki tells, I wouldn’t feel bad as Rahul was my friend,. Rahul tells, yes but I had to listen to Aly there,. You can do what you want to do,. Nikki tells, you have Aly and Arshi’s support,. She votes for Vikas,. Rakhi tells, I want the smoking area,. Vikas votes for her,. 

Devo tells, I want the smoking room also,. Rubina and Abhi vote for Rakhi,. Nikki tells, I know Rakhi better so vote for her,. Aly, Rahul and Arshi vote for Devo,. Rakhi gets into the smoking room,. Rubina tells, I want the dining area,. They all agree with her,. Rahul tells, Devo and I are left,. Aly tells, Rahul can get gym, they all agree,. Devo gets spa,.

Bigg Boss asks, if this is their last decision? Rahul tells, I don’t agree but it’s about the majority,. Devo tells, I don’t agree too,. Rahul tells, we can change the majority,. Abhi tells, we had to complete this task,. Arshi tells, let’s see what happens now,. Abhi tells, we mutually decided the votes, if you want to go back on your decisions then do it,. Rahul tells, there is nothing wrong with changing the majority,. Arshi tells, we all can get nominated,. Rahul tells, I want to change the decisions,. Aly asks, how? Abhi tells, if you are not scared of the nominations then why are you changing it? Rahul tells, you all mutually decided but it’s another chance so I am talking,. Rubina tells the inmates if people take my votes then I will not vote for them too,. Rahul tells, I know that,. 

Arshi tells, then this task will get rejected, I am okay with all getting nominated,. Aly asks, Rahul why he wants to get the task rejected? What are you saying? You are being wrong here,. If you want all the inmates to get nominated then we will lose all the places related to our names,. Imagine that,.

Abhi tells Bigg Boss that we have completed this board,. Rubina reads the board:

Nikki – bedroom

Aly – kitchen

Abhi – luggage

Arshi – block 1

Vikas – block 2

Rakhi – smoking

Devo – Spa

Rahul – Gym

Rahul tells, you all played a good game,. Bigg Boss asks, Devo to come into the confession room,.

Devo: Bigg Boss asks, Devo who she wants to nominate,. Devo tells, I want to nominate Vikas, he is not doing anything and he is trying too hard, he doesn’t need to stay here,. She nominates Nikki as she can’t entertain even without misbehaving,.

Vikas: He nominates Arshi because she makes people fight,. He nominates Devo as her area is not that important,.

Aly: He nominates Vikas as he is changing his statements too much,. He nominates Rakhi as she is playing smartly,.

Rakhi: She nominates Arshi as she irritates me too much, she gives extra food to others but she won’t let me eat,. She nominates Rahul as he keeps taunting her,.

Nikki: She nominates Devo as she is always targeting me,. She nominates Rakhi as she needs someone’s mind to play,. She has less mind,.

Abhi: He nominates Rahul as he is just behind Rubina to play his game,. He plays safe with others,. He nominates Devo as she is Eijaz’s proxy and I don’t want to see Eijaz back, he thinks we are not deserving of the show,.

Rahul: He nominates Nikki because she chose Vikas over me,. She keeps commenting on me,. He nominates Vikas as he is not doing much in the show,. He flipped his side after the media told him that he is not seen anymore,.

Rubina: She nominates Rahul as he looks confused, he is lacking in his individuality,. She nominates Devo as she is Eijaz’s proxy but she is in a confused state,. I am not able to connect with her,.

Vikas: She nominates Vikas as he is least involved in the house,. She nominates Nikki because of her behavior,.

Rahul tells Arshi that we can’t play smartly like them,. Vikas asks, him to not say foolish dialogues,. Rahul asks, him to not play for the whole house, you want Rakhi to play for you too after the media told you so,. Vikas tells, you are just insecure that others got areas that are better than yours,.

Bigg Boss tells, the nominated inmates are Vikas, Devoleena, Nikki, and Rahul,. Aly tells, Nikki? Rahul tells, I knew that,. Bigg Boss tells, if Devo gets eliminated then it means Eijaz won’t return to the show,. He asks, Rubina to put the nominated inmates on the danger-side of the board,. She does,. Bigg Boss tells, as per the nominations, they will not use these areas:

– Bedroom (Nikki)

– A toilet, a bathroom (Vikas)

– Spa (Devo)

– Rahul (gym)

Rahul tells, we should have given the bedroom to Rubina and Abhi,. 

Rubina tells, I was telling that give the important places to the safe inmates,. Rahul tells, why did you give the bedroom to Nikki? We could have given the dining room to her,. Abhi should have understood that,. Rahul tells Rubina that you are right but you didn’t execute on your words,. Rubina tells, because they wanted the important areas so they won’t get nominated,. Rahul tells, they are stupid,. Vikas tells Nikki that you should nominate the person who can likely get eliminated,. Nikki tells, I don’t cheat on my friends if they don’t cheat me,.

Bigg Boss tells the inmates that you can’t use some areas which means SPA,. Arshi went and sat there so as a punishment they will lose Arshi’s areas which is block 2 (washroom and a toilet),. They just have the garden’s washroom left now,. Nikki tells, wow, what a game,. Arshi tells, I am really sorry, I didn’t think about it,. 

Aly asks, her to think before walking away,. Vikas tells, it was a mistake so leave it,. Arshi tells, I thought that the task was not started,. Aly tells, really? Rakhi tells, we don’t even have warm water in the garden’s toilet,.

Rahul is waiting outside the toilet and tells, I have to pee, what should I do?

Rubina tells the inmates to follow all the rules,. They have locked the bedroom,. Nikki tells, we want makeup,. Aly tells, we want medicine,. Rakhi tells, I want makeup,. Vikas tells, you can’t even shower now,. Aly asks, Rakhi to sacrifice makeup,. Rakhi asks, him to bring the makeup, he tells, I can’t,. Arshi comes there and tells, I am not alone, I have prayers,. Aly asks, her to end it now,. Arshi tells, you are too much Aly,. Aly asks, her to not fight with him right now,. She leaves from there,.

Arshi tells Aly to not put her friends down,. Aly tells, keep saying what you want to,. Arshi tells, you misbehave with me,. Aly tells, what did I do? Arshi tells, don’t say rubbish things for me,. Aly asks, her to shut up, we have lost the bathroom because of you,. Get lost now,. 

Arshi tells, you take their side,. Aly tells, you think ******, this is wrong,. Rahul tells, Arshi is like this,. Aly tells, I can’t hear her saying all that,. Rahul tells, you don’t need to curse her,.

Rakhi asks, Rahul what he is saying? Rahul tells, I was sad when the task started because I really can’t be a smart person,. Vikas tells, you are right but you get late in understanding the tasks,,. Arshi asks, him to not teach him,. Vikas tells, I don’t try to fight with others Rahul but you started blaming me,. Rahul tells, you have to own being shrewd,. Vikas tells, let me eat right now,. Arshi tells, leave him alone, he might throw away the food,. Vikas tells, Arshi used to run behind Rakhi to copy her,. Arshi tells, never, we have a lot of people in this industry but I don’t want to follow Rakhi,. 

Rahul tells, then avoid Vikas, don’t get triggered when he tells, that you used to run behind Rakhi,. Arshi tells, I won’t hear him saying all that,. She tells, Vikas said that I have come from some place which means that I have come from the wrong place,. He is so cheap,. Vikas asks, her to stop acting like Rakhi Sawant,. She tells, okay,.    

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