Bhabi ji ghar par hai 15th January written episode update


Bhabi ji ghar par hai 15th January written episode update

Bhabi ji ghar par hai 15th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Tiwari asks, TMT to return his money, Tilu tells, enough we are already depressed and we dont have your money it is with Vibhu,. Saxena buys lipstick, bindis and bangles, vendor thinks its for his sisters, Saxena tells, its all for me, i dont have any sisters and mr and Vibhu have fooled Tiwari and TMT, Tiwari hears that, Saxena tells, in return i get shocks, Tiwari tells, Saxena i will torture more but you will have to explain me more, Saxena tells, come inside first give me a slap, Tiwari slaps him,.

Vibhu and Prem meets don and about to give money, Tiwari tells, its my money, Don asks, him to leave,.

 Happu walks to them and arrests Don, Vibhu thanks Don, Vibhu apologize to Tiwari and returns his money,.

Angoori singing Bana Bani song, Tiwari yells at her, Angoori asks, whats wrong with you and why cant i sing, Tiwari tells, you are the reason behind all this and yells at Angoori,.

Vibhu walks to Anu, Anu tells, don’t talk to me, Vibhu tells, okay, Anu scolds Vibhu for his accident scene,.

TMT at tea stall, see Saxena, Saxena asks, why are you starring at me, oh may be because your weddings got cancelled, TMT say you fooled us and hit him hard,.

Amaji visits Tiwari, Tiwari tells, Ama im having tooth ache,.

 Ama tells, use good toothpaste, Tiwari tells, i brush twice, Amaji tells, use Pepsodent toothpaste it will help you, even Pandit Rampal uses it

Angoori tells, my Yashoda Buas daughters wedding so we will go together, Tiwari tells, we will discuss later right now i hace gass issues, Angoori tells, you should have told me, sit in Vajrasan and bend down, Tiwari does so, and has a back cramp, Angoori tells, get kicked by Tilu he was born leg ways it will be helpful, Tiwari yells at her and leaves,.

TMT at tea stall, Vibhu walks to Tilu tells, i asked you to get carpenter when will you get him, Anu will come and scold him,.

 Vibhu orders pan and leaves, Boys reading advantages of people if who are born with legs first out, and Teeka tells, tells, if such person kicks cramp it cures, Tiwari walks to them and requests Tilu to kick him, Tilu denies tells, first give me my salary, Tiwari and Tilu argue, Tiwari tells, I will find someone else, Vibuu hears that

Vibhu visits Angoori, Angoori asks, did you find job, Vibhu gets a call and tells, for 30 people no its too less make it atleast 100 i know my kick has that power but get maximum people,. Tiwari requests Vibhu to help him, Tiwari tells, he is having back cramp, Vibhu tells, i will kick you, Tiwari lies down,.

 Vibhu kicks him hard and hits him, Angoori tells, do some more he will feel better, Tiwari tells, i cant get up, Vibhu tells, it takes time give it sometime, Angoori asks, for fees, Vibhu tells, i take 5000, but you give 3000,. Angoori pays, Vibhu leaves,.

Angoori asks, Tiwari how he is feeling, and asks, him to try get up, Tiwari in pain, Angoori and Tiwari visit Mishra house,.

 David asks, what happened, Tiwari explains whole scene, David starts laughing and tells, he lied he fooled you, don’t worry i can help you come i will kick you, David kicks him hard, Vibhu sees that and tells, he lied too,.     

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