Barrister Babu 28th January written episode update


Barrister Babu 28th January written episode update

Barrister Babu 28th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Anirudh and Bondita going to the market,. He buys a kulfi,. He eats it and its really tasty,. Bondita asks, shall I eat kulfi, will you teach me accounts again,. He laughs and tells, no, you can eat it,. She eats the kulfi,. He tells, I feel many times, we say ourselves that we can’t do it, we believe that maybe we can’t do it,. He asks, her to clean her face,. He cleans her face,. He tells, that’s why, we can say yes, your mind will believe that you can easily understand the calculations, that’s the power of thoughts,. Bondita tells, yes, I will say this to myself from now, I can do it,. He tells, great,.

She asks, for kerchief,. She asks, shall I keep it, I will wash it and give you, else husband and wife have a fight,. 

They laugh,. She asks, for another kulfi,. She eats it,. He smiles,. Rishta tera mera…plays…,. Mami enjoys the cool air,. Mama tells, I will be getting some money today,. Mami tells, we will soon get much money,. Sampoorna comes,. She asks, did you write accounts well,. Mami tells, you asked me not to do anything, we are greedy, but not mad,. Bondita tells, we will get all the calculations right, I can do it right,. Anirudh tells, great,. She gives the answers,. He tells, I will check,.

She smiles,. He tells, all the answers are wrong, what did you say,. She tells, I told that I can understand, but power of thoughts didn’t help,. He tells, you have to keep practicing, Trilochan gave you a responsibility,. 

Bondita tells, one who tries never loses,. Mama and Mami come to Trilochan,. Everyone looks on,. Mami thinks if Trilochan checks the accounts, then we will be caught, I have to do something,. Bondita comes to Anirudh,. He asks, do you want something, I m preparing for the case,. She gives her book,. He tells, we tried our best, we will try again,. He explains her again,. He checks her answers,.

He tells, you got the right answers, you have learnt it finally, I m very happy with you, you should get some reward,. Bondita tells, no, I have to complete my work,. Mami tells, yes, you can check if you don’t trust Bondita, how can you trust us,. 

Trilochan asks, did I say that I don’t trust Bondita, if Bondita has seen it and agreed to it, then I won’t see it, take the money to deposit,. Bondita comes to stop him,. She tells, I have to check the accounts,. Anirudh comes,. Trilochan asks, why, Mama said you have already checked it,. Bondita tells, yes, I had seen it, but I didn’t know calculations that time, I understood it well today, forgive me, I can keep your given responsibility today,. He tells, its fine, check again,. Bondita sits to check the accounts,. Anirudh tells, I trust that Mama will not break our trust,. Mami tells, yes, he can’t make any mistake,. Anirudh tells, its good, Bondita will practice while checking,. 

Sampoorna tells, yes, Bondita, check well,.

Mami asks, Sampoorna to stop Bondita, else they will be thrown out,. Sampoorna tells, I don’t understand,. Bondita checks,. She thinks its all wrong, how shall I say it,. She cries,. Anirudh asks, why are you crying,. He also checks it,. Trilochan asks, what happened,. Anirudh tells, Bondita won’t say anything, because Mama has done a fraud since first day to 7th day, he has taken 50rs in 7 days,. Sampoorna thinks what will happen now, I told them not to do anything,.

Anirudh tells, we trusted you, you did this,. Trilochan tells, that’s why I didn’t want to keep him on Munshi’s place, he will get us insulted, so that he can put money in his pocket,. He scolds Mama,. He asks, them to get out of the house,. Sampoorna gets angry,. 

Anirudh tells, they didn’t respect relations, but we are not like them, they can stay here today, they should leave by tomorrow with all the respect,. Bondita is sad,. Bihari comes and asks, what happened,. She tells, I was happy, but I got sad when I caught Mama’s lie,. Sampoorna scolds Mama and Mami,. Bihari tells, you shouldn’t feel bad for those liars,. Bondita tells, I m sad for Sampoorna, she would be feeling so bad seeing her parents insult,. Mama apologizes to Sampoorna,. Mami tells, we are ready to apologize to Trilochan, if Bondita wanted, then she could have hid this matter, she is clever, she didn’t support you,. Sampoorna tells, yes, Bondita could have done this if you told me the truth on time, you spoilt it,. Mami tells, fine, we admit our mistake, we are not spoiling your work, Bondita is spoiling it, until she is here, your work will be spoilt,. 

Bondita tells, I m feeling bad for Sampoorna, how shall I fix it now, Mama and Mami did wrong, but Sampoorna had to hear it, she would be crying, just I can wipe her tears,. Mami tells, you have to fill Bondita’s life with tears if you want to win,.   

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