Barrister Babu 25th January written episode update


Barrister Babu 25th January written episode update

Barrister Babu 25th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Sampoorna lying to Bondita,. Bondita asks, her to make Trilochan happy by making good food, then he will give keys to her,. She goes,. Sampoorna thinks I will get the keys some day, you will support me that time,. Bondita gets coffee for Anirudh,. She jokes,. He tells, I m studying a complicated case, when I see it, I feel both the parties are right and then I feel both the parties are wrong,. He catches her habit of eating the sweets,. She tells, you always get to know this,. He asks, her to wipe clean the sugar syrup from her face and end the evidence,. She tells, I love Rasgulla a lot, its good that Sampoorna is there to feed me sweets,. Anirudh tells, its just my right to get Almond rasgulla for you,. She tells, yes, if you don’t get to see the case clearly, why did you take it,. He tells, I followed my heart and took the case, when my mind was confused, what’s your heart saying,.

 She tells, my heart calls me out, like I wanted to eat Rasgullas and now fruits,. He tells, that’s the call of the stomach,. She laughs and tells, you engage me in talks, do I like to talk, I like to stay quiet,. He tells, very soon, you will be a barrister,.

Binoy comes,. Trilochan is on call,. He asks, about Binoy’s Saas-Sasur,. Binoy tells, they would be around, they didn’t go,. Bondita comes and tells, Sampoorna had made Durga Maa bhog today, you will like it and ask me to give her responsibility,. He tells, bhog should be made by pure intention, then the bhog will be made pure,. Bondita tells, I know Durga Maa will accept the bhog, you will give the keys to her,. Sampoorna comes,. Bondita tells, Sampoorna Maa is the elder Laxmi of the house, she is elder to me, she will keep bhog today,. 

Sampoorna thinks of Trilochan’s words,. She thinks Anirudh will scold you today after this puja,. Trilochan stops Sampoorna,.

He tells, I have to check the bhog once,. He checks the plates,. They all get bad smell from the halwa,. He asks, why is the halwa stinking, what did you add in it,. He shows the dead rat in the halwa,. They all get shocked,. Mami signs Sampoorna,. Trilochan asks, were you going to keep such bad bhog for Durga Maa,. Everyone covers up their nose to get rid of the bad smell,. Trilochan scolds her,. She cries and tells, I didn’t do anything, Bondita you had seen that I have made bhog well,.

Bondita tells, yes,. Sampoorna tells, someone did this, someone had spoilt the food,. Mami tells, such smell was coming from Trilochan’s room,. Trilochan asks, are you mad, my room can never have any bad smell,. 

Mami tells, I will show you,. They go to see the room,. Trilochan tells, there is no bad smell here,. Mami takes the incense sticks out,. She asks, them to check now,. Everyone gets bad smell,. She shows a rat catching mesh,. She shows so many rats caught,. Binoy tells, Trilochan wanted Sampoorna’s bhog to get impure,. He asks, did you add the dead rat in the bhog,. Trilochan asks, what are you saying, you are doubting me,. Sampoorna starts her emotional blackmail and cries,. Bondita tells, its not true,. Trilochan can never do this, he obeys Dharm, he can’t tolerate any mistake in the puja,. 

Mami tells, you are taking his side after seeing all this, he caught a rat and put it in bhog, you are trying to save him,. Bondita tells, yes, Trilochan can never do this,. Mami thinks Bondita will argue and try to save Trilochan,.    

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