Barrister Babu 19th January written episode update


Barrister Babu 19th January written episode update

Barrister Babu 19th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Trilochan getting cheered up by Bondita,. Anirudh is with Batuk,. They pack the gifts,. Bondita comes and looks on,. Anirudh says, you had to do this work,. Bondita finds him upset,. She tries to talk to him,. She jokes on him and makes upset face,. Anirudh says, you talk nonsense, so I don’t want to work with you,. He asks, her to go,. He calls out Batuk,. She wears the graduation cap and comes,. She says, we will be fighting a case, you can’t rule all the time, I m against this rule,. He smiles,. She says, I request my husband to give me a chance to defend,.

 Anirudh says, order, order, your arguments won’t work today, even then you are given a chance to defend,. She says, arguments will create a difference,. She says, you don’t know that I tried to tell you that Trilochan decided to fix Sampoorna’s marriage, you didn’t listen, I got busy in exposing Munshi’s crime, when I thought of telling you, Binoy and Sampoorna got married, is it my mistake, why are you upset with me,. She asks, was I at fault, fine, I won’t say more, you can tell your decision,.

Sampoorna looks at the house,. Trilochan says, what did she do that Binoy got ready to marry her,. She smiles,. She recalls Binoy’s accident,. Mami and Mama show the man’s funeral,. 

Sampoorna says, you are not doing right, why are you doing this,. Mami asks, what, didn’t the accident happen,. Sampoorna says, yes, but the man is alive,. Mami says, I don’t care what Binoy thinks, he thinks the man is dead, we won’t have a benefit if we say the man is alive, calm down,. Sampoorna says, its a cheat, don’t do this,. Mami says, I m doing this for you, so that you live a good life, its a right chance to take revenge for your insult, answer Trilochan by going as Binoy’s wife, the owner of the house, don’t you want all this,. Sampoorna says, I want this, Trilochan gave me much sorrow,. Mami says, great, you should have a status to oppose them, it will be possible when you marry Binoy and go to haveli, you have Raj yog, he is scared because of the accident, scare him more and convince him for the marriage,. FB ends,.

 Sampoorna says, I will have the same status as Roy Choudhary Bahu, I will make them obey all the rules, I will write my own fate,.

Sampoorna says, Bondita, I have changed everything, but not my love for you, you are still my lovely younger sister,. Anirudh says, order, order, the court decides that the accusations on Bondita are wrong, the court is adjourned for the day,. She thanks him,. She asks, are you not angry now,. He says, if you are true, can I get angry on you, from where did you learn this,. She says, I have learnt it from you, I used to see you secretly,. 

He asks, what, you may get punished for this, you are forgiven,. They laugh,. He says, its Sampoorna’s Bahu bhaat tomorrow, its your duty to follow all the rules,. Rishta tera mera…,.plays…

He says, lets make Sampoorna’s day better, come,. She says, yes,. She thinks I will make you and Trilochan end the fight,. She packs the gifts,. Sampoorna looks on,. She thinks Bondita will be on my side, Anirudh called me Maa, I will use that rights and throw Trilochan out,. Mama and Mami come,. She says, we should get respect when we enter the house,. Mama asks, who will welcome us,. She says, everyone will welcome us, Sampoorna has become Badi Malkin,. Bondita comes and asks, them to come in, Sampoorna will be happy to see them,. 

Mami asks, her to go and call elders,. Bondita says, I m also Roy Choudhary, I m welcoming you,. Mami thinks I will throw you out soon, Sampoorna will become the Malkin,.    

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