Apna time bhi aayega 27th January written episode update


Apna time bhi aayega 27th January written episode update

Apna time bhi aayega 27th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Rani tells, did you plan on leaving me? He gets nervous,. Rani tells, why are you worried? I will arrange the clothes,. Birju tells, he actually plans on leaving you here,. Veer leaves,. rani tells, can you tell me something? Is everything okay between you and him? She tells, yes,. HE tells, why is he so bitter to you? Rani tells, it’s all good,. It’s his nature,. Get ready,. He tells, do you love him? He tells, how did this wedding happen? She tells, don’t have time for it,. Let’s get,.

Veer is worried,. He tells, I have tell Rani,. Rani comes there,. She gives him clothes,. He tells, are you crying? She tells, these are my dad’s/ He wears them on festivals,. 

Veer tells, how can I wear them,. Rani tells, he really likes you,. He would love it that you wore it,. I will show your photo to him,. He will smile,. He picks it with respect,. Rani tells, my heart knows he didn’t do that sin,. Rani leaves,. Veer tells, I am burdened under this love,. I have to tell Rani truth,.

Jai gets a call,. It’s Champa,. He tells, don’t call me,. She tells, I wish you were here,. I would keep getting my money,. I want it now,. Veer and Rani are gone to village,. This is your good time to come back,.

Veer gets ready,. Rani comes in the room wearing red saree,. Veer looks at her,. He ties the dhoti,. Rani laughs,. He tells, you also don’t know how to wear saree,. She tells, will you get there? WHat if it opens? HE tells, I don’t know,. Rani tells, let me send someone,. She looks for Pinku,. No one is home,.

 Rani tells, don’t worry,. I can tie it,. He tells, you,.,. I will manage,. Rani tells, babu ji told me,. WE are getting late,. He tells, close your eyes,. Rani tells, how will I tie? She ties his dhoti,. He tells, I tied it better,. Rani tells, I got nervous was so close,. rani leaves,.

Everyone prepares for the event,. Dadi tells, where is he? Rani tells, he’s coming,. I can’t handle this saree,. She tells, you’re married now,. Let’s start the ritual,. Rani tells, why didn’t he come out? Veer comes,. Dadi tells, he’s here,. Everyone sings and welcomes him,.

Dadi asks, Rani to sit next to Veer,. Ran prays,. Veer tells, in heart I have never felt this bad for anyone,. How do I tell her? DAdi does their arti, Pinku tells, let me take your photo,. 

Dadi tells, make each other eat,. Rani make Birju notices them,. A woman tells, Rani is lucky,. A servant’s daughter got married to the prince,. Rani tells, everyone’s time comes,. Birju tells, there’s something wrong,. Birju tells, I will make the eat,. They make them eat,. Birju mixes something in the drink,. He gives the drink to Veer,. Veer tells, I am done,. He tells, it’s Sattu,. It’s part of the ritual,. Everyone asks, him,.

Veer stands up and tells, what is all this? He tells, to Rani what is all this? I am so done,. What is this drama? He throws the glass and leaves,. Dadi tells, did he make any mistake? Let me apologize,. People ask Rani what happened to him? What are you hiding ? 

Rani drinks from the glass and coughs and tells, to Birju you mixed something in this drink,. I know your game,. Birju tells, I am sorry,. I am just keep your respect otherwise I could say what’s between you and him,. I will tell you,. She tells, yo had no right to do all this,. He tells, I can’t say all this,. Birju tells, he is always on phone,. He never talks to you,. He’s a liar and a cheat,. Rani it must be from his hospital,. Rani leaves in anger,. Dadi tells, you did so wrong,. Everyone leaves,.

Birju mixes something else in the other drink and tells, will find out at any cost,. He comes to Veer,. Rani comes in and sees the thandai’s glass,. Birju tells, drink this you will feel better,. Veer tells, I don’t know what are you talking about,. He tells, leave it,.,. Veer tells, what? Birju tells, leave the anger,. I got you thanai it heals the burns,. 

Veer tells, leave me alone,. He tells, Rani is mad at me,. If you forgive me please take this,. Veer takes the drink,. Rani drinks the other glass outside,.

Veer tells, it’s so good, why didn’t you give me before? Rani comes out and tells, time for drama,. Dadi tells, don’t worry,. People ask how is Veer? Rani tells, he’s fine,. Rani starts dancing on the ground,. Birju tells, she drank my glass,. He tries to take her inside,. Rani comes out again and dances,. Birju dances with her,. Pinku brings Veer our as well,. He collieds with Rani,. He starts dancing too,. He sings chora ganga kinaray wala,. Rani is shocked,. Rani tells, I have never seen you dancing and close to me,. He tells, our distance was increasing,.

 Dadi cries,. A woman asks, why are you crying? She tells, happy tears,. See they are so happy,. Birju tells, we will find out what’s wrong,.

Veer gets a call from Rajeshwari,. Pinku tells, give it tome and you dance,. He picks the phone and leaves the phone on side,.

Rajeshwari tells, Kaira and Vikram are coming there,. Music plays,. She tells, what nonsense,. Sanjay tells, you can speak to me,. She tells, I am very angry,. If I speak to you I might get angry,. No one will see my pain but my loud voice,. Where should I go scream where people can hear my pain? I feel the pain,. 50 times a day when I see your son, people think he’s an orphan and he’s your illegitimate child,. You see his pain not mine,. You didn’t ask me for the wedding promise to tolerate your and a maid’s son,. 

People see my anger,. They don’t see the pain and reason,. So Mr,. Sanjay, the day you see my pain and not anger, you can ask me what’s wrong,.

Rajmata hears all this,. She’s shocked,. Rajeshwari goes to the room and cries,. She washes her face,.

Rani looks at Ramo’s photo and tells, I miss you a lot,. Veer comes,. Rani tells, two Veers,.,. He tells, I am only one,. She falls,. Veer holds her,. Rani tells, how am I floating? Did you give me an injection? Veer tells, I have to talk to you,. I did all the rituals,. She tells, you ruined,. He tells, it was over then,. Now please listen,. Rani tells, yes,.,. Veer tells, I will leave you here,. rani sa made me promise to leave you here forever,. rani is shocked,.   

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