Anupama 30th January written episode update


Anupama 30th January written episode update

Anupama 30th January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Kavya fumes in anger and tells, she can’t believe that company will choose Kinjal who has no experience at all as new project head, now she has to report under Kinjal for the new project,. At home, Kinjal swears that she didn’t know that she is getting Vanraj’s job,. Baa yells not to lie as she purposefully took Vanraj’s job to insult him,. Kinjal tells, she is thinking wrong,. Baa continues that she and Anu want to insult Vanraj,. Anu tells, she doesn’t even know where Vanraj works like her,. Baa tells, Rakhi must have informed her then,. Toshu asks, not to drag Rakhi mom in this,. 

Anu tells, he is right,. Kavya continues shouting that Anu must be knowing about job interview and is taking revenge from Vanraj, now Kinjal will sit on her head,. Baa insists Anu to ask Kinjal to leave her job,. Anu tells, company first terminated Vanraj and then gave job to Kinjal,. Bapuji and mamaji back her and say if Kinjal leaves the job, company will hire someone else,. Baa tells, Kinjal ahs to work with maide ki katori Kavya,. Kinjal tells, she will not mix her professional and personal life and even she is sure Kavya will do same as she is a hard working professional woman,. Kavya on the other side shouts professional my foot, Kinjal will vent out her anger in office and Anu will fill Kinjal’s ears, she hopes Baa or someone else should stop her,. Baa continues insisting Kinjal to leave her job to stop Kavya bothering them,.

 Toshu backs Baa and orders Kinjal to leaver job to stop any further complications at home,. Samar tells, he is feeling bad for Mr,. Shah, but its unfair to ask bhabhi to leave her job,. Anu tells, he is right,. Samar tells, Kinjal’s career will be affected if she rejects her first job,. Kinjal tells, exactly, why should she,. Toshu (who is a replica of his father) shouts because her husband is ordering her,. Kinjal stands shocked hearing that,. Anu scolds him that a wife walks along husband and not behind him, he shouldn’t dare speak rudely to Kinjal either outside or in room,. Kinjal pleads to let her work,. Toshu tells, she will also not interfere then as he joined Dave Coaching classes,. Kinjal confronts that he himself joined a job and wants her to leave her job,. He tells, if she doesn’t he will also not whether she feels good or bad,.

 Toshu walks to his room and looks at his appointment letter,. Even Kinjal looks at her appointment letter,.

Samar meets Nandini and tells, mom missed new batch’s first online dance class,. Nandini tells, its okay as Anu had family emergency and will give more time during next class,. He tells, he will leave now, then looks at her,. She asks, lol, why he is giving lots of looks,. He tells, he is seeing if his love is more beautiful or the person he loves, lol,. She asks, what does this lol mean,. He tells, he knows and walks away,.

Baa asks, Bapuji why didn’t he explain Kinjal and Anu,. Bapuji tells, he is tired of explaining everyone; Vanraj’s company ignored his years of hard work and terminated him, when situation is not in their favor, how can they fight with dear ones,. 

Baa tells, when they were together, they could cross mountains of problems, but when they separated they can’t even move a pebble, their family separated and they just became spectators,. Pakhi walks to them and they excitedly hug her and ask how is she,. She tells, she is fine,. Baa takes her in and asks, if maide ki katori doesn’t give her food, she looks so lean in 2 days,. She greets Mamaji,. Samar asks, if she forgot Kavya’s house address,. She asks, if he has any problem, if he wants to takeover her room,. He tells, its not her room,. Their nok jhok starts,. Toshu enters and they both hug each other happily,. Kinjal also greets her,. Anu gets very happy seeing her and hugs and kisses her, tells, she saw her in school but feels she is seeing her after many years, if she didn’t remember her, at least she would have called her,. 

Pakhi tells, she came to take her stuff,. Anu goes to bring her sandwich and cold coffee,. Baa asks, if she gets proper food,. Pakhi tells, Kavya has hired a maid and she cooks for them,. Anu hurriedly prepares sandich and cold coffee for Pakhi and serves her,. She silently eats sandwich,. Anu suggests her to do her own task, clean her bed, and prepare her own snacks and not depend on Kavya,. She asks, why didn’t she oil her hair,. Pakhi asks, not to worry as she will manage,. Baa asks, her to inform Kavya,. Anu tells, she shouldn’t be a burden on anyone,. Pakhi tells, she is not a burden on bestie Kavya,. Samar warns to behave with mummy,. Bapuji asks, how are her studies going,. Pakhi tells, she has annual function in her school,. Anu tells, she is teaching dance to her class students for function,. Pakhi tells, there is no need for that as she will solo perform with Kavya’s help,. 

Baa tells, Kayva knows to do drama,. Pakjhi tells, Kavya teaches her dance well and she will win competition for sure,.

Vanraj gets worried for Pakhi,. Kavya yells that Anu must be brainwashing her,. Back at home, Kinjal offers her bag to Pakhi,. Pakhi tells, she will take it from Kavya,. Anu tells, she should accept bhabhi’s gift,. Pakhi yells at Anu that if she loved her, she wouldn’t have let papa go and she never did anything for her,. Anu tells, she let her go for her happiness and children’s happiness is most important to a mother, she can stay wherever she likes but should visit sometimes to meet them,. Pakhi tells, she doesn’t think she will come,. Bapuji asks, why she is saying this, this is her house,. Pakhi tells, its mummy’s house, mummy didn’t forgive papa and didn’t let him stay in this house, so she will not forgive mummy,. Kavya calls her,. Pakhi excitedly rushes to her and gets into car,. Anu gets snacks for Kavya and gives it to Kavya,.

 Kavya tells, there is no need for that,. Anu tells, Pakhi is a kid and troubles sometimes, but calms down if she does so,. Kavya tells, she knows Pakhi since 8 years and knows that she has her father and Bestie,. Anu tells, but not mother and tries to leave,. Kavya stops her and tells, Vanraj’s job termination and getting Kinjal in his place is her conspiracy,. Anu smiles and tells, she is pity on her to think like this,. Kavya tells, Anu must have used some influence from her supporters in higher management,. 

Anu tells, her supporter is above all, her Kanhaji,. Kavya tells, Kinjal is unfit for the job,. Anu tells, if she was unfit, then company wouldn’t have given her a job and she is sure her bahu will succeed with her talent,. Kavya tells, she will accept it as challenge and knows how to reply,.   

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