Aatma bandhan 2nd January written episode update


Aatma bandhan 2nd January written episode update

Aatma bandhan 2nd January 2021 written update episode

The episode starts with Maatangi breaking the doll in backyard,. Ashok’s hands begin to move, his body recovers,.

Maatangi comes to Aarti’s room,. Aarti impatiently asks, if Aghori Baba agreed for Aatma Bandhan,. Maatangi tells, Ashok’s life is endangered,. Someone has done black magic for his death,. Cheeru and the inflictor of black magic are equally responsible for Ashok’s endangered life,. She narrates Aghori Baba’s remedy to Aarti,. Aarti was upset and cries, wondering if someone else is also after Ashok’s life,. How Ashok got such enemies of life,. She asks, Maatangi who could do this,. Maatangi tells, Baba remained silent on this,. She tells, half of the task for Ashok’s recovery is done already, they will not have to take Ashok to Baba,. Aarti suggests taking him at once,. 

Maatangi points out that it cannot be possible, while everyone is in his room and deciding to take him to hospital,. She suggests Aarti a plan,. Maatangi tells, it is their last chance to save Ashok,. Otherwise, she will also be locked in the room with Aarti,.

Aarti goes outside the room,. Kriparker comes to Indraprasad saying the car is ready,. They all bend to hold Ashok,. Maatangi screams for Indra,. Vayda, Kriparker and Indra all go to Maatangi,. Maatangi tells, Aarti is missing from the room,.

Aarti comes to Ashok and cries over his condition,. Aarti cries that Ashok should not have had an unlucky wife like her,. She decides not to accept defeat, and vows to save him,. She holds Ashok’s body and carries him outside,.

In the room, Maatangi tells, she shouted only when she did not find Aarti in the room,. 

Indra was sure Aarti has gone mentally ill,. He was worried of all the problems,. Maatangi tells, she also believes so, Aarti is unwell,. Indra was annoyed that he respected Aarti, but she turned out to be irresponsible,. Indra and Kriparker run to Ashok’s room with the thought that Aarti can harm Ashok,. Kriparker takes them to find each corner of the house,.

Aarti takes Ashok outside,. Maatangi prepares the car seat and hurries them into the car,. Aarti drives the car,.

Vayda and Kriparker come to Indraprasad with the news that Ashok and Aarti both went missing,. Rani comes there inquisitively and was shocked at hearing that Ashok left the bed,. She was worried what if the magic backfires, as per Jaijamba’s warning,. Rani tells, Aarti intends to kill Ashok,.

Aarti tries to turn the car on; but fails,.

Rani goes to check the doll she had dug in the backyard, to reconfirm if it is there,.

The car finally starts,. Rani comes to the backyard and finds the hole was empty,. She finds the doll blackening,. She was furious that someone found out about her black magic and was afraid what if Aarti knew about it,. 

Inside, she loudly cries that car is not outside,. Aarti has taken Ashok, she will kill Ashok,. She wonders why Aarti hates Ashok,. She sends Indraprasad to follow Aarti and bring Ashok,. She now sends Vayda to bring her coffee,.

Ashok was unconscious in the car,. Aarti asks, Maatangi what time it will take to reach there,. Maatangi was sure they will be there in an hour,. Soon, the car loses its balance,. Aarti had to pull the brakes,. Cheeru speaks through Ashok’s body,. Maatangi requests Aarti to ignore him and keep going,. Cheeru asks, Aarti where they are going,. Aarti lies they are going for shopping, to buy him toys and chocolates,. Cheeru agrees to go on,. He stops her again and tells, he feels like peeing,. Aarti allows him to go,. 

Ashok gets off the car,. Maatangi warns they have limited time to save Ashok,. They must pleasantly convince Cheeru to go,. Soon, they sense it has been long since Ashok left,. Aarti and Maatangi get off the car,. Ashok was nowhere to be seen,. Maatangi points towards Ashok sitting on the car roof,.

Aghori Baba had prepared a Havan and meditated around,. Aarti tells Cheeru to get down the car,. Maatangi tells, they are in a hurry,. Cheeru insists he wants to stay here for a while,. Maatangi was now angry,. She brings a pot and sprinkles it over Cheeru,. Ashok’s body trembles that it burns,. Maatangi tells, it will not harm Cheeru, he will leave Ashok’s body now,. Maatangi tells, it was a water given by Aghori Baba,. Ashok’s body fell on the floor,. Aarti and Maatangi carry Ashok into the car and starts their journey again,.

Rani was angry that her plan failed,. If Ashok lives, she won’t be able to live,. Kriparker comes there,. He tells, Maatangi is also not at home,. He warned Rani not to trust anyone, Maatangi is a loyalist,. He also feels Aghori Baba is involved with them,. Rani was worried what if someone knows about their black magic,. She tells, someone dug the black magic doll out,. Kriparker knew only Maatangi was capable of this,. He tells, they will blame them in return,.

Aghori continued his chanting in the Havan,.

Indraprasad tells Vayda they searched for Aarti everywhere, then reported in police as well,. Vayda and Bhavani share their fear that Aarti left the house with Ashok,. She must have thought Ashok can not recover here,. Vayda agrees that she was a wife and a mother, and her family was tortured,. They locked up her family,. 

Indraprasad was tensed and tells, he will leave this house in such a case,. Vayda tells, they do not exactly know what the problem here is,. She tells, she is waiting for Ashok and Aarti to return, then she will tell them something very important,.

Aarti and Maatangi hold Ashok towards the forest clearing of Aghori Baba,. A spirit enters Ashok who reacts aggressively,. Maatangi falls a distance away,. Ashok clutches her neck in an attempt to suffocate her,. Aarti tries to pull Cheeru behind,. Aarti tells, Maatangi is the reason Cheeru is here today,. Cheeru tells, he wanted to live with her and will do anything to get her love,. Maatangi sends Aarti with Cheeru’s astiya to the Aghori Baba,. 

Maatangi holds Ashok’s leg to keep him back,. Aarti runs with Astiya, while Cheeru tries to stop her,.

At home, Bhavani takes Indraprasad’s attention to a rotten coconut,. They recall Pandit ji said it is for an evil eye,. Vayda points towards changed attitudes of Ashok, Aarti and the flashing lights,. Indra was worried what if the evil power harms Ashok and Aarti,.

Ashok runs behind Aarti, jerking Maatangi’s grip,. Maatangi follows the two,. Aarti ran towards Aghori Baba,. She was worried what if Maatangi is killed by Ashok,. Aghori Baba tells, Maatangi will be unharmed,. He takes Cheeru’s Astiya, then laughs aloud saying door is open,. The way is here, he is on the other side of the door,. Maatangi runs towards Aghori Baba,. Baba tells, his Astiya will pull him here,. Ashok reaches the clearing,. Aghori Baba stood with his Trishol, and orders Ashok to come here,. 

Cheeru shouts he will not come here, he cannot trust anyone,. Aghori Baba tells, Cheeru will have to come to the Mandal and sit here,. Only then, they can control the spirit and pull him out of the body,. Aarti offers to bring him here,. Baba tells, he is angry and does not value relations,. Aarti vows to bring him here, and repent for her wrongdoings,. Aarti tells, if her son recognizes her love he will come here,. If this does not happen, she will die, and they will both leave this world together,. Maatangi tries to stop Aarti but she walks towards Ashok,.

Ashok clutches Aarti’s neck,. Maatangi goes to save Aarti and pleads on Baba to save her,. What if he kills her,. Aghori Baba tells, it is important to see if a son’s hatred is bigger than a mother’s love,.

 Aarti’s voice choked,. She tells him to kill her if this ends his hatred and brings him happiness,. Nothing can be worse in this world for her, than to be killed by her son,. Cheeru’s grip loosens around Aarti,. Aarti tells, she died the day he was dead,. But if he kills her today, every mother in this world will rethink giving birth to a child,. She places Cheeru’s hands on his face and calls him with love,. Cheeru also cries through Ashok’s body and gets to her feet,. Aarti was sure she did not give birth to a bad human,. She takes him along to the Mandap,. He denies,. Aarti promises him to get him peace and trust her,. He finally holds Aarti’s hand,. 

Cheeru cries and requests to stay with her,. Aarti takes him to the Mandap,.

Ashok was terrified to see the red color in the Mandal,. Maatangi and Aarti forcefully try to keep him there,. Aghori Baba tells them to take him to Mandal,. Cheeru pushes both Aarti and Maatangi away,.    

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